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Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Why is Condi Rice making a big stink about testifying?

I have trouble believing she's really all the concerned about perjuring herself. I'm sure, deep down inside, she has already made her decision about what she will do if she's subpoenaed. So why all the fuss?
Yesterday, I heard on NPR that Condi Rice intends to retire after this term whether Bush wins a second term or not. She's taking a dive. The plan is obviously to get the 9/11 commission mired in legalistic brawling over their power to force her to testify and forstall, perhaps indefinitely, some ugly revelations about the Bush administration's handling of terrorism. It's certainly no accident that her public appearances are increasing in number as Richard Clarke's accusations are sinking in. I'll bet they are hoping that her refusal to testify will distract from the actual testimony being presented.
As an added bonus, they are trying to create the impression that 9/11 caused utter chaos in the administration and that sorting through all the secrets, mis-steps, conflicting statements, etc. is so confusing that the press and the public just give up and move onto other things in plenty of time to rebuild W's image as a Christian solider before the election.
I am impressed by the loyalty that some of the Bushies are showing to the cause. It takes alot of guts to take a dive for somebody. Condi is playing the role of the evil henchmen in movies/video games. She's doomed and yet she goes down fighting, willing to sacrifice everything just to slow the hero down.


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