Canada is making it easier for women to get emergency contraception
Very good news indeed, though over-the-counter access would probably be better. My guess is that many, if not most, times when someone might need to take the morning after pill are exactly those same times that their doctors are unavailable--the weekend. And even if I'm wrong on that, I do know that it can be very hard under any circumstances to get last minute treatment from your gyno, since most of them are extremely busy. My guess is that time-wise, getting emergency contraception is roughly the equivalent of trying to get antibiotics when you have a bladder infection.
If you've never had the delightful experience of waking up with what they like to call "urgency" and pain when you pee and trying to fix the situation as soon as possible because it hurts like hell, let me explain. The last time it happened to me, I realized I had a bladder infection at 5:00 AM. (My guess is that many, many contraceptive emergencies happen at inconvienent hours, as well. I myself rarely have sex during my doctor's office hours, and I live with somebody.) I ran to the grocery store and stocked up on painkillers and start swigging them back with cranberry juice. I didn't have painkillers on hand, because the last time this happened was two or three years before. At 8:00 AM, I'm at work trying not to cry or freak out imagining it's getting into my kidneys. I called the doctor as soon as his office opened and he said that I didn't have to come into the office, but I had to go pee in a cup at the lab so they could verify that is what it is. At lunch, I skip eating to do this but I am still a half hour late back. After work, with this infection probably getting uglier the whole time, I stop by Walgreen's to get my prescription.
My guess is that it's just as big a pain in the ass trying to get emergency contraception, and that's under the best circumstances, that it's a weekday and you don't encounter a sexist Jesus freak for a pharmacist who refuses to help you not get pregnant so that he has someone else to picket at the abortion line.
I know women who get frequent bladder infections so they just keep a running prescription with their doctors so they don't have to go through this every time. The equivalent I suppose is keeping a few doses of Plan B around if you should ever need it. I've heard most doctors will prescribe it like this if you explain that you think you might for some reason. Perhaps doctors should even recommend doing so for women who use condoms as their birth control method.
Maybe it's because I'm Canadian that I have to ask this but... don't you have emergency rooms?
I'm prone to ear infections (get about one a year), and used to suffer from gallstones. When one of those struck, it was off to the local hospital emergency room. Neither of these were all that serious, so I'd be pretty far down on the priority list, but I'd be seen within a couple of hours at most. Finding a 24-hour pharmacy was usually a bigger problem.
Emergency rooms are clogged with people who don't have any kind of health insurance, so they aren't really any faster, no.
I guess it was because I was Canadian that I had to ask...
The Canadian system of requiring a prescription for emergency contraception presupposes access to a Canadian emergency room. While not exactly speedy, these are rarely clogged with people who don't have health insurance, thanks to our provincial health plans...
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