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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Cootchie coochie coo

Redneck Feminist gets going on her new blog with a link to a hiliarious account by Kerry Howley at Reason about the anti-feminist right's favorite new party trick--beating a straw victim.

Meet the put-upon conservative coed, the prototype pushed by conservative feminists to demonstrate liberal bias on college campuses. We'll call her Claire. Claire doesn't want any part of this vulgar spectacle known as The Vagina Monologues, but her Feminine Mystique-touting, Germaine Greer-quoting friends are tying her to a chair and making her watch. She desperately wants to be chaste, but condom-peddling feminists are driving her to her knees at the frathouse next door. She really just wants to be a mom, but her mentors in the gender studies department say that's just not acceptable.

The article starts off with a bang but then devolves into the same complaining that modern feminists are obsessed with victims and helping them. While there's no doubt we would be a lot more fun if we didn't point out how male dominance creates real victims of rape and violence, I'm afraid that creating pleasant tea party fodder isn't really the point of feminism, so there's not a whole lot I can say to assuage the ignore-the-victim-makes-her-go-away crowd. Then again, my brand of fun is a hell of a lot more fun than the IWF's suggested brand of fun, I'm sure. Then again, I've never fully explored the charms of keeping a hope chest and thinking up names for the half dozen moppets I plan to start bearing at 22 (oops, missed out on that one), so I can't know for sure.

One thing that's a lot of fun is The Vagina Monologues, as Redneck Feminist finds out in her story. I know--hard to believe. The anti-feminist spin on the play is such that one does walk into it trembling with fear that it's going to be a tedious two hour ordeal of listening to moony hippies doing chants to the origin of the world or something like that. But it's just a serious of stories from real women about their experiences with their bodies and sex and because of that, it's really funny at parts. And that is exactly what is so empowering about the play--it reveals to women that it's perfectly fine to regard our genitals with the same warm affection and good humor that men have towards theirs.

So this is why I have to disagree with Howley, who argues that the play shouldn't be a cause of concern to anti-feminists. The humor and affection in the play is extremely effective in normalizing women's genitals to members of the audience who were brought up in properly anti-feminist enviroments and therefore feel ashamed to even have a vagina, much less the entire vulva area. (I cannot tell you what a relief it was to find out the fish thing was a myth after an adolescence of being afraid that I had a stink to me that I couldn't even perceive.) The play confronts fear with its mortal enemy humor, and that's why it's so threatening.

Of course, anti-feminists can't just come out and admit that keeping women fearful of their own bodies is a necessary component of the proper gender roles they promote (pretty much admitting that a woman's place is anything but roses and affectionate pats on the ass from a loving husband that leave you walking on clouds is verboten), so they have no choice but to lie and build up outrageous fears that you walk into the play a normal, man-loving, cunt-fearing woman and emerge smelling of patchouli and carrying your castrating knife. How else are they going to sell their anti-Vagina campaign? "This play is one more thing that will help convince your daughter that she too can feel good about her body?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The anti-Vagina fanatics are trying to keep the word "vagina" a dirty word, that even women are afraid and ashamed to say out loud.

But gee, what are these anti-feminists doing to raise awareness to stop sexual violence against women and girls? Oh that's right, they believe that if women stop watching such "vulgar and obscene" plays such as The Vagina Monologues, then all of the violence will go away, and women will live happily ever hating and being ashamed of their own bodies and sexuality. Idiots....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um I don't have a problem with the Vagina Monologues, but I have to agree with campus conservatives on the whole issue of the "poisonous" atmosphere on college campuses. My experience is only anecdotal and perhaps it is out of date, but I was truly horrified at the type of discourse (if it can be called discourse) that I saw at my college (a northeastern women's college that is one of the "Seven Sisters" colleges) between 1990 and 1994.

I am a liberal and a feminist myself, and I endorse homosexuality, but I thought it was bad news when I saw (for example) 1) professors routinely demonize conservative thinkers rather than engage their ideas, 2) liberal student groups steal batches of the conservative student paper en masse and burn them, 3) straight students in a dorm forced to undergo remedial tolerance counseling because they had invited a fraternity from another college to a dorm party (an act that was considered "heterosexist").

At my college in those years, it simply wasn't socially or academically acceptable to express a conservative idea. That's scary.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was my post about my experience at a Seven Sisters College in the early '90s- I forgot to sign it. My view is 1) that dogmatic "political correctness" can be really, really bad news and can create a truly oppressive atmosphere on campus (the stolen newspapers were just one of many examples that pervaded daily life at the college), and 2) that regardless of whether "political correctness" is as bad as people say, the ideas involved need to be addressed on their own merits.

So in one sense, I agree with other comments. The evils of dogmatic "political correctness" do not make the ideas underlying "political correctness" less valid and do not make conservative viewpoints any more valid. For example, I utterly disapprove of forcing straight students to undergo remedial counseling because they had the gall to invite members of the opposite sex to a dorm party--
but that does not change my tolerance and endorsement of homosexuality and same-sex couples.

The problem is that the conservatives are taking advantage of the absurdities of campus life. It worked on me when I was young and immature-- I found myself utterly alienated from causes that I would normally have supported wholeheartedly just because I did not approve of the tactics of those on campus who supported those causes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was my post about my experience at a Seven Sisters College in the early '90s- I forgot to sign it. My view is 1) that dogmatic "political correctness" can be really, really bad news and can create a truly oppressive atmosphere on campus (the stolen newspapers were just one of many examples that pervaded daily life at the college), and 2) that regardless of whether "political correctness" is as bad as people say, the ideas involved need to be addressed on their own merits.

So in one sense, I agree with other comments. The evils of dogmatic "political correctness" do not make the ideas underlying "political correctness" less valid and do not make conservative viewpoints any more valid. For example, I utterly disapprove of forcing straight students to undergo remedial counseling because they had the gall to invite members of the opposite sex to a dorm party--
but that does not change my tolerance and endorsement of homosexuality and same-sex couples.

The problem is that the conservatives are taking advantage of the absurdities of campus life. It worked on me when I was young and immature-- I found myself utterly alienated from causes that I would normally have supported wholeheartedly just because I did not approve of the tactics of those on campus who supported those causes.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


the ideas involved need to be addressed on their own meritsI found myself utterly alienated from causes that I would normally have supported wholeheartedly just because I did not approve of the tactics of those on campus who supported those causes.Well, which is it? Should we support causes based on their ideas/merits or on the people they attract? I'm not trying to be snarky; I really want to know how you rationalize both these opinions at once.



Blogger Earnest said...

A liberal arts education need be neither liberal nor conservative. The "liberal" refers to the fact that your education will be comprised of many different arts. In other words, you're receiving a broad-based education.

Sally, what about the reaction to David Deming at my alma mater, the University of Oklahoma? The reaction wasn't a debate but a coordinated effort to deprive Deming of his livlihood. Right or wrong, our campuses need to be institutions that welcome and foster debate. If we're being honest with ourselves, we'd admit that they don't.


Blogger Earnest said...

Sally, your attitude toward David Deming is precisely what I'm getting at. I don't mean to solicit sympathy for David Deming but to show that his letter to the editor elicited little real discussion but many allegations of sexual harassment. I would call that a toxic atmosphere, and I would say that that is the nature of the college campus--whether large, public university or small, private college-- in this age.


Blogger Earnest said...

I will do you a favor and add a link to an article that appeared much more recently in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Deming was hit by dozens of charges of sexual harrassment, and his opinions, expressed in the school paper, wrongly became a part of his annual review. I think there is a lot of evidence that he was not allowed the freedom to express his own opinion without severe consequences.


Blogger Earnest said...

I did not mention Deming's transfer or basement office because I didn't think they were pertinent. What was pertinent was that he was slammed with sexual harassment charges and his political beliefs, as espoused in his letters to the editor, were used against him in his annual review, something for which David Boren ended up apologizing to David Deming. When you talk about the atmosphere on college campuses today, I think this is indicative of a much larger trend. There's a similar issue going on up here at Columbia right now, regarding pro-Israel students and anti-Israel professors. There's a similar issue going on at Harvard with Larry Summers. There's even something similar playing out with Ward Churchill at the University of Colorado. College campuses are becoming places where discourse--especially inflammatory-- really is not welcome.

The idea isn't that all views should be equally represented, especially when they're wrong. The idea is that a person should be free to promote his or her opinion or idea and have others either accept or reject it. Deming rejected the columnist's idea and wrote a letter. The women at OU rejected his idea and filed sexual harassment charges. Political opinions should probably not merit punishment or lawsuits. And this should especially be true on our college campuses. That it isn't true is why one might describe the atmosphere at college as poisonous.


Blogger Earnest said...

Well, the reason I spoke about the incidents at Colorado and Columbia was to show the range across which this attitude has spread. It's conservatives who want Churchill's head at Colorado, and neither both sides are in the wrong at Columbia. It's all a part of this war of attrition between the left and the right in which we find ourselves enmeshed. After all, I'm a progressive not a conservative, just a person concerned by what he sees as a terrible intolerance growing in our country. By the way, I don't think you have a clear understanding of the allegations here at Columbia, allegations which include a Professor demanding an Israeli student answer the question of how many Palestinians he killed before he be allowed to talk in class. Believe me, things are toxic out there.


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