Doh! Correction time
I am not good on calling out terrorist actions, am I? Yesterday, I expressed worry that the murder of that judge might be a terrorist attack, and I was wrong. And on the flip side, I wrote about the kid who went to jail for writing zombie stories earlier and guessed that his family was overreacting. Wrong again. Looks like the kid was lying.
However, Poole's teachers told police they had not assigned such a story or talked to him about it -- and had they seen it, they would have been obligated to report him to authorities.
And, as it turns out, Poole's writings include no brain-eating dead folks.
What they do contain, Winchester police Detective Steven Caudill testified yesterday, is evidence that he had tried to solicit seven fellow students to join him in a military organization called No Limited Soldiers.
Now, they may or may not be overreacting, but I'm actually inclined to agree with the authorities in the case now, because now we have evidence that this kid was lying to conceal what he really did. And the nature of the lie--one designed to maximize his own fame and manipulate and deceive well-meaning people--indicates that this kid might have exactly the sort of superiority complex that previous school shooters have.
Elayne Riggs has more.
Thanks Amanda! I hope Snopes picks up on this soon before the original meme spreads too far. As I've often said, we have enough real, legitimate examples of abuse of government power without having to make up more...
Sorry I lead you astray on the judge -- I tried to post a correction as soon as I realized. Next time I'll try to let the dust settle a bit before speculating....
Don't feel too bad. I have a lousy track record myself. Among other things, I confidently predicted
*A renewed four- or five-way space race in the 1980s
*The impeachment of Ronald Reagan
*Rapid development and immediate adoption of male birth control drugs
On the plus side, I outraged conservatives for years by telling them that their beloved enemy the USSR was not the mighty juggernaut they claimed, and would not outlive the 20th Century.
I don't think covering his ass and self-aggrandizing are mutually exclusive, so it's probably a little of both.
I can't recall the last time (if ever) that I've seen a conservoblogger post a retraction on anything. It says a lot that you only see liberals stepping up to make corrections....
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