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Friday, May 14, 2004

Torture-promoting propaganda continues

Media Matters is monitoring Michael Savage's violent, homophobic fantasies of torturing Iraqis. Every day the right is pushing a little harder, pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable, trying to get people to approve of torture.
Now the technique is to drum up some racism and xenophobia. See, according to Michael Savage, Muslims are not humans, they are monsters. They do not think like human beings or have feelings like human beings:

These people don't fear death, they fear humiliation. The only way to humiliate them is take their deepest fear, the pig, the dog, the woman with the leash, and use it on them to break them!

One way or another, it's just a matter of time before Ann Coulter says that torture techniques like these should be used on liberals. Savage is already suggesting that liberals deserve no better, since, yes, it was liberals who killed Nick Berg:

Uh, it's something you'll never forget, not should you ever forget it and you can thank the Democrats, you can thank the Senate Arms Services Committee for their hysterical hearings. You can thank John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Biden, The New York Times, the alphabet channels and The Washington Post for this atrocity because they caused it.

The most important thing is to scream and carry on until a good number of people forget that not all Muslims are responsible for the actions of a few. And that liberals are not members of Al Qaeda. And apparently it's working. My boyfriend reported to me that his coworkers were talking about how the torture is okay, because "those people" are behind the events in Fallujah, behind the murder of Nick Berg. I asked him if they understood that the people in the prison were physically incapable of that. I asked, what about the women? The children? Surely they see that they are innocent of what Al Qaeda does. No, not at all. All Muslims are the same to a large and growing segment of our society. I said, that's like holding all white people responsible for the fucking KKK! He said, well, they just aren't getting it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One way or another, it's just a matter of time before Ann Coulter says that torture techniques like these should be used on liberals.You mean she hasn't already??



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