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Thursday, January 06, 2005

Disease as punishment

The ongoing struggle at Hugo's blog of the "but really we're not sucking up to sexist men" anti-feminist women versus the feminists is both appalling and enlightening. Just when you almost think that they are breaking out of stereotyping and misogyny and getting closer to having a break-through where thought happens, you get a bone-headed statement like this:

I wonder, if African women have such painful intercourse, then why do they have sex more than Westerners? Why is Aids rampant in Africa due mainly to unprotected hetero sex with multiple partners? You would think African women would be less likely to have sex if it were so painful. Seems there is two stories here.

A masterpiece of ignorance and bigotry! You want to savor it like a fine wine turned to vinegar. The assumptions the feed this are manifold. The one that jumps out you immediately is the racist assumption that blacks have an animalistic sexuality that whites don't have; that black women are able to work through the pain to have sex and that mutilating their bodies is no big deal.

Then there is the "two stories" statement, where she implies that we are telling her two stories--one where mutilating African women is bad and one where they love the cock and AIDS is just the natural result. The latter, of course, is all in the speaker's head. A slip of the tongue and just the same ol' projection with a bad disguise.

The racism is bald and gross and hateful. So is the sexism. So it's hard to notice the third assumption hiding under the rock like a bunch of squirmy worms. The idea is more common than the idea that sluts deserves AIDS or that black women are so horny that a little painful scarring and lack of nerve endings can't stop them. It's the idea that AIDS is a direct result of promiscuity, that it is caused by having alot of sex.

This is an idea that is really hard to shake people of, as it has a weird grounding in reality in the sense that monogamy is an effective way to avoid the disease. But that's monogamy, and monogamy is a much different thing than the "family values", aka patriarchy, that the men's rights activists and other assorted social conservatives have in mind. Under complete male dominance like the sort that the men's rights activists preach, fidelity is only a virtue in women. And, by god, keeping women at home while men sleep around isn't an effective way to curtail the spread of HIV!

In fact, it seems to me that an opposite situation where men were kept at home while women slept around might actually be safer for the faithful partners, since a man having sex with a positive woman is less likely to get the disease than the other way around. The stupid disease, alas, doesn't correspond exactly with patriarchal values.

By no means am I poo-poohing emphasis on monogamy as a way to control the transmission of HIV. It's effective, so let's go for it. But confusing effective disease control methods with "moral" values of male dominance is a complete and utter joke. All other values of a male dominant/female submissive society encourage the spread of the disease. Male promiscuity and female fidelity? That encourage positive males to spread it to women who are already subjugated. Eschewing contraception? Condoms are even more effective than monogamy as a disease preventative. Homophobia and heterosexism? The former encourages gay men to seek out anonymous sexual encounters that expose them to the disease and the latter encourages gay men who have these anonymous encounters to then have sex with unknowing women to preserve the heterosexual illusion.

I guess today is my day to be frustrated with people who can't distinguish their compelling myths from reality.


Blogger annejumps said...

Unrelated, but please get the word out about this:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

..."but really we're not sucking up to sexist men." Yeah, my ass you aren't.

I just love it when pompous, racist, antifeminist white women pass judgement on women of color, especially the women of Africa who not only suffer the plight of AIDS, but female genital mutilation as well. Once again, the old antifeminist-women's mantra: "If women just went back to the kitchens, stop having sex, get back to having babies, and obey the patriarchists, the world will be such a better place. But this is mostly Black Feminism's fault!"

Well according to these 'Dr.Laura/Phyllis Schlaffly-wannabes', as Mulatto woman (half-Black, half-White) I guess the best way to avoid AIDS is to remain at home, and hope that my hubby-poo isn't sleeping around, but if he is then it's okay. Because he has a cock and is less likely to get HIV/AIDS than me, due to my icky vagina.

Female fidelity and remaining in the Patriarchal female submissive sex role, will end the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

How do some of these moronic, racist, bigoted, antifeminist, female misogynists get their Phds, anyways?! And here I thought you had to be intelligent in order to be handed one of those....oops!

This just sounds like more "let's go back to Patriarchy's version of civilization and sexual/gender roles," bullshit.

Hey, I'm all for monogamy. If that works for you and your partner, and will help curtail the spread of HIV/AIDS, then okie-dokie. Personally, I'm a virgin and celibate. And I've decided not to engage in sexual activity until I know I'm in a monogamous, committed relationship. That was MY decision (NOT Bush's, don't get confused) because I believe there are less worries (concerning the spread of diseases) that way. But that's not everyone's choice, and that's fine. It's THEIR sexuality, not mine. Just be safe and smart, and use protection.

But we can cut out the male-dominence shit with monogamous relationships. We can have monogamy without the patriarchal sexist crap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way, I do *NOT* view my choices regarding my sexuality to be morally superior to anyone's elses' sex-life choices. I don't believe in that "morally superior" crap anyways, because most of it is patriarchal and homophobic. I just wanted to get that out of the way. Thanks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, every phrase of that is gross. This person doesn't know how AIDS works, doesn't know how FGM works, doesn't know anything at all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait zuzu, were you talking about my comments? I'm NOT for FGM. Or were you talking about the antifeminist-woman who wrote the original statement?


Blogger Amanda Marcotte said...

LOL I am 99.9% sure zuzu was talking about the one at Hugo's blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh okay. Yeah, this person has NO clue about FGM or circumsion. There's NO "lesser of two evils" in this case.


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Blogger Roberto Iza Valdés said...

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