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Sunday, June 20, 2004

Time to admit it--Michael Newdow is no hero

He's managed to get a good deal of the left behind him on the issue of secularism, but he's been hiding his true aim, which is to force his ex-girlfriend to into submitting to his wishes. Now that the Supreme Court's decision has called him out on this, he's come out of the closet and is hanging his contempt for women's family rights out for all to see. Trish Wilson examines the results.
Those of us on the left mustn't support Newdow's attempts to rob his ex-girlfriend of her parental rights just because we prefer his politics over hers. If we do so, we are no better than those on the right who would rob Elian Gonzalez's father of his parental rights because he lives in communist Cuba.
The uncomfortable fact is that just because someone has lefty politics in some arenas doesn't necessarily mean that he is a feminist or even supportive of feminism. Hell, alot of otherwise liberal men are raging misogynists and can barely hide their contempt for women. Now I'm not saying that Newdow is necessarily like that, but he seems like it to me. Hell, I've know my fair share of men who espouse feminist views and then turn into bug-eyed misogynists the first time a woman dare disagree with anything they say. However you slice it, it's clear that Newdow cannot show even basic respect for his ex-girlfriend and that's a big problem.


Blogger Elayne said...

The uncomfortable fact is that just because someone has lefty politics in some arenas doesn't necessarily mean that he is a feminist or even supportive of feminism. I'm reminded of the old Stokely Carmichael quote that the position of women in the ('60s Black power) movement is "prone."



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