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Saturday, September 11, 2004

Kerry is a Catholic

You know, reading World O'Crap make fun of yet another "pastor" sit in judgment on John Kerry as Jesus specifically told people not to do, I realized that there was another reason that the Bush campaign pushes the "deny Kerry communion" crap every chance they get. Yes, one reason is to try and lure Catholics into voting against one of their own.

But the other reason is probably to remind his Bible-thumping base, the evangelicals that Rove is betting this election on, that Kerry is a Mary-worshipping, unsaved, Pope-following Catholic every single chance they get. People that have the pleasure of living outside of the Bible belt may not know how ugly anti-Catholic prejudice in this country is, but I can assure you it's alarming. The publicity surrounding the priest molestations is only increasing it, as it fits a lot Bible belt-er's suspicions that Catholics have orgies and drink blood. Okay, that's an exaggeration, but not by as much as I'd like it to be. I can see a situation where the base is activated by reminding them that not voting might put a dreaded Catholic back in office.

Edited to add: Let's play Six Degrees of Separation in regards to keeping Kerry's religion front and center in this campaign, in response to a commenter who thinks that since Gillespie is Catholic, BushCo would somehow be above flogging anti-Catholic prejudice to gain votes.

Fox News , the network that ran endless stories on Kerry's Catholicism, is run by Roger Ailes, who was the media advisor for Richard Nixon during the 1968 campaign, who was a bitter old shit after losing in 1960 to JFK despite the anti-Catholic prejudice that was a big feature in this campaign against the Senator from Massachusettes. My, my, my, our memories are short in this country. What are the chances that the all the Republicans that are in power now who worked for Richard Nixon didn't think, even once, that it might be useful to draw attention to Kerry's Catholicism?


Blogger La Lubu said...

THANK YOU Amanda!! I haven't heard this mentioned anywhere else, and I think it's a dominant factor. The particular city I live in has many Catholics, but the surrounding part of the state has few....and anti-Catholic feelings are rabid. I don't think pundits on either coasts get this; we're just "flyover country" to them....albeit flyover country that happens to have a lot of swing states and electoral votes.

Other Catholics I know will question me on why I am against school vouchers (my daughter attends public school); the reasons are many, but one thing they never thought of is, "I don't want my tax dollars going to churches who teach their congregations and children in their schools, to actively hate me and my family!" See, they don't really get that there is a reason why Catholics tend to live en masse; sometimes we're hated because of our religion, sometimes we're hated because of our ethnicity that goes along with it.

Oh, and I dig your blog!


Blogger UnionandSixth said...

Your post sure is creative. I don't know of a single instance where the Bush campaign or the RNC pushed the Kerry Communion story. I'll send you a shiny quarter if you can offer me one shred of proof. Maybe it was Ed Gillespie, chairman of the RNC, who was pushing all this anti-Catholic bigotry of which you write. Oh, wait, Gillespie is CATHOLIC and he's raising his kids CATHOLIC. Oh, well. At leat you don't let the facts get in the way of an entertaining yarn.


Blogger Amanda Marcotte said...

Of course they don't. Rove learned a long time ago to have surrogates say what he can't actually have Bush say. Witness the Swift Boat Veterans. Or the mysterious push-poll against John McCain claiming he had an illegitimate black child.


Blogger Amanda Marcotte said...

Yo, and I know that some Catholics are Republicans. So are some women and some gays and weirdly enough some blacks. Your point?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda great blog! Glad I found it! After looking at your Kerry is a Catholic I will definitely be back again! Drunk Girls



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