The post where I mention casually (or not) that it's my birthday
My luck of course that the Shrub will be accepting his nomination the day I turn 27. *sigh*
Otherwise, goodness and light abound on my birthday. The ever-patient man of the Mouse placed a beautifully wrapped card on the keyboard, where I was sure to find it this morning. I'm taking tomorrow off so that we can spend some time together, not that it's likely to stop me from working in a cat blog. My father called and regaled me with the same story he does every year about my birth. My mother called and sang "Happy Birthday". The cats demanded that I feed them. Well, not everyone is impressed when you finally get to the birthday that puts you out of reach of the draft board.
I turned 17 in 1994 (duh) and spent the rest of that year straining against the confines put on teenage girls in West Texas small towns. Before I saw 18, I was out of West Texas, out of high school and thrilled to find myself in Austin, which has to small town Texas kids the same allure that cities like Seattle, San Francisco and New York have to their local populations. At 17, it was widely predicted that soon I would grow up and start conforming (though my mother secretly hoped not, much to her credit). Ten years later, I'm still mocking everything in sight, listening to loud rock music, and just generally enjoying myself. I hope I can say the same in another 10 years.
Thanks all for indulging me!
Edited to add: Apparently, my life is in danger.
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Congratulations on turning 3-cubed. It's a special number. You'll probably only have one more 'cubed' birthday.
I'm 37. I was still pretty much a underemployed fuck-up at 27. You seem well grounded, so I'd bet the next ten years will find you to be the same uppity woman you've been so far.
Happy birthday. You'll be able to laugh at Dubya accepting his nomination on your birthday because of the sense of irony you get through being a liberal.
HOLY CRAP! Happy Birthday. From all of us* in the PDRR, we dedicate this day in your name. Sept 2 will forevermore be known as Amanday.
*Okay, there's really just me, and old lefty. But he's mining silver in Alaska, so he doesn't really count right now. Look, just accept the birthday wishes, okay?
But seriously, happy birthday.
Woo-hoo! Happy belated birthday, Amanda!!
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