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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Yes, Virginia, there is such thing as social conditioning

I wanted to stay out of the Larry Summers thing, I really did. That some men in power are willing to say any fool thing that pops into their heads as long as it justifies their belief that The Penis is what got them where they are are, and that they can expect a chorus of true believers to sing hosannas about what dimwits women are by birth when they do so, is not news to me. But then Salon had to jump into the whole fracas with a cobbled-together article of "proofs" that we women are better equipped for bottle-feeding than for long division and I cannot sit still any longer.

This article doesn't even start out strong before it slides downhill fast. The author, Lorraine Dusky, immediately accuses feminists of hypocrisy because feminists were largely accepting of studies demonstrating that women are more likely than men to be whistle-blowers, and that women overall tend to make decisions that incorporate moral thinking more than men. Since we feminists accept that men and women are different in this way, she argues, why can't we accept that Summers was right, that men and women are different when it comes to mathmatical ability?

I had just started on my first cup of coffee and I could immediately see the hole in that argument. Feminists, at least most feminists I know of, and I know a whole lot of them, don't disagree that men and women are different, sometimes dramatically different. But Summers didn't just say that men and women are different; he said that we are born different, that mathmatical abilities are somehow written into our genetics. Studies demonstrating that grown men and women have different views on similiar situations don't prove squat about genetics. All they prove is that a difference is there, and odds are that the differences can be attributed to social conditioning.

For instance, the social conditioning of the noted moral differences between men and women can be observed by breezing through one of the textbooks that pass for sex ed nowadays, the abstinence-only textbooks, where the gender roles in teenage dating are laid out--boys try, girls resist. Or, from a sexual "morality" angle, girls are the moral gatekeepers, assigned to keep themselves and the boys in line. It's not really a mystery why girls grow up to be women who still think of themselves as moral guardians.

There's no reason to rule out social conditioning, much less sexism, off-hand as the reason that more men than women excel in math and science. Even physical brain differences that Dusky details cannot be written off as pure genetics, which she admits and then blows off.

While some argue that this is a result of conditioning -- when girls take up throwing a ball, their spatial ability increases by leaps and bounds -- conditioning doesn't explain why males' IQ scores are more variable than females'. More males than females end up at the low end of the IQ scale, and not surprisingly, relative to females, there are more male high school dropouts and more men in prison. But the opposite is also true: More males than females have extremely high IQs.

I see no reason why if conditioning can push boys to the heights and it can't also drop them to the depths. Dusky's assumption that average neurological differences between men and women can be readily understood and explained--as if calculus just goes on in the left brain unaided by the right side and that in fact the right side of the brain interferes with all its girlish gossip--simply isn't true.

But the biggest gaffe of all is to pull out the argument that we know men are smarter because men have historically dominated math and science, an argument that makes sense right until you remember how women have been systematically denied access to the same education that men have enjoyed.

And like it or not (I don't like it), this is probably why the world has more male geniuses à la Einstein, Mozart and Michelangelo. We can thank the goddess Nike for Marie Curie, but where's another woman in our pantheon?

The miracle is not that most historical geniuses are men. The real miracle that there are any female historical geniuses at all, considering all the obstacles in women's way. For instance, the exceptional Marie Curie did what none of the men nodding away in agreement with Summers's low assessment of women's scientific abilities have probably done--she taught herself physics and acquired her degree by exam.

Mozart was a genius, and also a prodigy that was pretty much forced to practice day in and out from the time he could reach the piano keys. I think it's safe to say that if Mozart were born a girl, this would not have happened. We can't know if there could have been a female Michelangelo--a woman in his time would not have been allowed to paint the Sistine Chapel.

We don't have evidence that points definitely one way or another on whether or not women are mentally limited compared to men, but we have mountains of evidence that women have been socially limited for all of history. It's a shame to see otherwise smart people ignore the known--the historical oppression of women--in favor of a bunch of cobbled together theories about women's genetic inferiority that have rather scant evidence to support them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mozart is actually a very good example. He had an older sister, Maria Anna "Nannerl" Mozart, who was also a child prodigy. She toured Europe with him - they were actually a sister-brother act. Guess why the only one anyone's heard of is Wolfgang?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When anyone pulls out that evidence-of-history argument, you have to assume at least one of the following:

1)They actually have NO EDUCATION at all (combined with a facile tongue/pen.)

2)They are VERY young (so perhaps they missed out on the brief period when some version of non-sexist/racist history was being taught in at least some institutions of learning.)

3)Every other statement in the piece that sounds rational or that might contradict it was actually borrowed from another writer and included by accident or as filler (i.e., they were't actually thinking when they wrote something sensible.)

4)You can ignore all weasel wording: they are conscious propagandists.


Blogger Amanda Marcotte said...

To be fair to the Nobel Committee, hadn't Franklin already passed when they gave out the award? I know one requirement for getting a Nobel is that you're alive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I may be wrong, but I thought Franklin lived on a few years after the prize ...

But more importantly, as I'm sure you know but your readers may not, Watson and Crick outright stole the image that bore the tell-tale marks of a helical structure to DNA. Franklin had all the pieces together, and they went through her desk, as I recall, found the image, rushed to publish and stole the credit.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's interesting how all the defenders of Summers say that his critics deny gender differences when, in fact, none of them have. I assume that they do this so they can argue the 'straw man' rather than addressing the issue of why Summers dismissed socialization and discrimination as major factors.

What really bugs me in all the discussions about gender differences is that no one addresses the 'odd' circumstance that only gender differences that favor males lead to advantages. If we are to take the male's greater intrinsic math ability as an explanation for women's underrepresentation in hard sciences, then it should also be true that men will be underrepresented in the humanities. But I am shocked -- shocked -- to discover the only 30% of the tenured professors in the humanities at Harvard are women.


Blogger Amanda Marcotte said...

Thomas, I've heard many different versions of what happened, but yeah, I don't doubt there was theft. But I don't know if Franklin ever spoke out about it--if she didn't, I'm not surprised. The notion that women have as much right our intellectual property as men have is a relatively new one, and still one that people don't honor as they should.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even the whistle blowing example is bunk. Many have argued that the reason women are more likely to be whistle blowers is that they are "outsiders" in the male dominated, good-ole-boy corporate culture. If that's true, then men's discriminatory behavior contributes to women being outside enough to become whistle blowers. That's culture, not biology.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rosalind Franklin is an excellent example for two reasons: one, she was so clearly shafted. She & Watson & Crick were all working on the same thing, but she was the most talented, and got the best pictures.

Two, she was shafted by Watson, who spent the rest of his career making racist and sexist comments for attention, and was a huge cheerleader for genetic engineering of a scary, sci-fi type. He was a small, hateful evil little man.

If Rosalind had been a man, Watson and Crick would not have had the balls to do what they did, nor implicit support they must have gotten from the rest of the lab.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mozart was a genius, and also a prodigy that was pretty much forced to practice day in and out from the time he could reach the piano keys. I think it's safe to say that if Mozart were born a girl, this would not have happened.  

Actually, it's more complicated than that. Lots of women received extensive musical training from a young age as performers  -- see, for instance, Tony Vivaldi and his All-Girl Band. And Clara Weick-Schumann was considered one of the greatest virtuoso pianists of her day (although her pursuit of a professional performing career was definitely unusual and ground-breaking). Nonetheless, in that pre-recording era, there was no opportunity for a performer to leave a legacy -- only the composers survive. (Of course, Clara W-S was also a composer.) And there were  significant obstacles preventing women from studying composition at the highest levels, and from having their compositions taken seriously, published, performed, etc.

That's why Fanny Hensel had to publish many of her works under her brother's name. Her brother happened to be Felix Mendelssohn, and many of "his" best works were actually composed by Fanny Hensel.

You often hear the argument that there are "no major woman composers" in classical music, well -- if Mendelssohn is considered a major composer (which he is), than Fanny ought to be too, since she wrote many of the works that assured Felix's entry into the "major composer" club.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thad, your comment about women as performers is right on -- the glory ranks of any occupation have historically been appropriated by men, even when the trenches are full of women.

Women make clothes all over the world, but haute couture designers were until recently exclusively men. Women prepare meals all over the world, but chefs are men.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, women's brains and men's brains are different. For example, that the memory function is superior in a female brain is no longer just folk knowledge among women, but is backed up by solid research. There are other differences, also, regarding how we learn and how we perform various skills. This is a generalization, of course. Should humans continue to evolve, I would imagine that some of these differences would dissolve because they would no longer be needed (they aren't needed now, for that matter, but evolution is very, very slow).

As you say, social conditioning plays a huge role in how men and women ultimately use their brains, and the arguments have become so political that it is hard to sort out one thing from another. My experience as a woman and the fact that I have read real history--not the textbook propaganda--tells me that social conditioning is by far the more potent of the two factors.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like to point out that the second thing anyone asks about a baby--sometimes before it's born--is what its sex is.I'll admit it, I'm one of those people who ask what is it?. I'm not a baby person, and that just seems like a much nicer question than why would you?.

As for the topic on hand - I find it quite frightening that so many people still find proof of genetic difference in what is actually social conditioning. I suppose they just refuse to understand that they have been privileged whereas others haven't - must be too threatening.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing that irks me the most about this is that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what trends there are (based on genetics, or social conditioning, or anything else). Even if most women today have little or no interest in higher mathematics, it's critical to have access to higher mathematics available to the random women who do have great passion for it.

I say this as a person with advanced degrees in math. While I care about whether the "observed differences" are actually differences and whether they are due to social, genetic, miscellaneous, or some combination of factors, what I mostly care about is getting out of the way of anyone, male or female, who shows an aptitude for, a passion for, and a commitment to excel at math. (Replace with whatever other field you like.)

That means getting rid of notions of who can do what (in other words, seeing each individual as being able to do what she or he is able to do), and removing barriers to entry based on irrelevant things like "girls can't do math". For the individual woman, what matters is not what "girls can do" but what she can do.

If doing so makes it more likely that more girls grow into women who love math and pursue it as a career, great. In fact, I am deeply committed to helping overthrow the crap that gets thrown at girls who insist in excelling at math, and at getting rid of the things that make it less likely that more girls will choose such a path. But I'm also concerned with making sure that even statistical anomalies get the support required to do what they want to do.


Blogger Amanda Marcotte said...

Point taken, Sor. And I think it's important that we remember that the biggest obstacle girls face in the beginning is being led to believe they are physically incapable of doing math because they are girls.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They ask who is a second Marie Curie? What about Lise Meitner? She discovered nuclear fission.

"In February 1939, Meitner published the physical explanation for the observations and ...named the process "nuclear fission". Nuclear fission as a phenomenon was completely unexpected; it took some study of the data and creative thinking to free her mind from the conventional preconceptions. (Meitner's) report had an electrifying effect on physicists in the know ... persuaded Einstein, who had the celebrity, to write President Roosevelt a warning letter, which led to the Manhattan Project.

In 1944, Hahn was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, and Meitner was ignored by the Nobel committee"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should have explained - that was a quote from the wikipedia entry on Meitner. She's one of my heroes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Actually, women's brains and men's brains are different."

So are those of bilingual and monolingual children. It is well known already that socialisation affects the structure of brain, even in macroscopic scale.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What really bugs me in all the discussions about gender differences is that no one addresses the 'odd' circumstance that only gender differences that favor males lead to advantages"

Good point. I also find it interesting that the same men who deny that there is a bias in favor of men when it comes to career advancement readily affirm that there is a bias against men in other areas, such as child custody.


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