One small step
My little sister is a student at Stephen F. Austin University. Stephen F. is a large state university with a diverse student body. They have on campus health facilities, but those are hardly comprehensive, so the university invites Planned Parenthood onto campus to sponsor events like free HIV testing. The service Planned Parenthood provides the university students is probably immeasurable in terms of education and health services.
The university is under alot of pressure from their state representative Wayne Christian to ban Planned Parenthood from campus, and it looks like the school is going to buckle under the pressure. Christian feels like another organization could provide better services, but he hasn't offered up any real alternatives as of yet. My guess is that he doesn't intend to. From his own biography:
Christian is extremely active in the community as a member of the First Baptist Church of Center, Lions International, Gideons International, Promise Keepers and the Christian Coalition.
Call it a stretch, but I have a funny feeling that this is just another method of using public institutions to force fundamentalist Christian beliefs on the public. An educational institution has no business participating in a religious effort to keep their students from being educated. A public university especially does not exist to push anyone's religious beliefs.
This is how the culture war is being fought. The religious right knows that they can't push too hard on a national platform. Instead, they install their allies in local and state governments and use them as tools to push their beliefs on everyone else. The health of the students of SFA has been reduced to a political tool to be wielded by people so deluded by their own religious beliefs that they think that they can simply legislate sex out of college life.
Take a moment out of your day to register your opinion on this situation. It's just another brick in the wall, but that brick represents thousands of students put into peril by misinformation about their own health.
Please contact Wayne Christian, representative of District 9 in Texas:
Please contact Stephen F. Austin University and let them know that there is support for the pro-education, pro-sexual health point of view:
To get more information on how to help: