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Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I'm not a good feminist

I don't actually get my kicks out of degrading and humiliating men. My reaction to the pictures of torture in Iraqi prisons was shock and nausea, not glee that some man, any man, was getting humiliated. But that means I'm not a good feminist:

Although certain feminists would not admit it publicly, "they're probably quite fond" of the photo showing the Iraqi prisoner being held on a leash, said Donnelly. That's "because it is demeaning to a man - any man."

Or maybe I am but I won't "publicly admit it". So you'll have to take my word for it, hard as it may be considering that I am a wicked, wicked daughter of Eve and likely a liar. But I live with and am friends with many of the noble, be-penised sex and I'm sure they can vouch for my character. I have never tied a man up on a leash. I promise.
But I may be under the sway of the man-hating feminists and not know it. After all, they run the world, and particularly the greeting card industry:

The feminists to whom Donnelly refers are "the ones who like to buy man-hating greeting cards and have this kind of attitude that all men abused all women.

I think someone had a fight with her husband when she received a less-than-flattering portrayal of men in a greeting card. I know what cards she's talking about, I think. It's probably the ones with jokes about football and beer and how frustrating it is to be married to couch potatoes, etc. I have never purchased one of these cards. I promise. I am not married to a football junkie and doubt I ever will be, so the humor is sort of lost on me.
Not that I think that there's something unspeakably wicked about making fun of men. I think pretty much everything is up for grabs in the humor department. But I will say that I do tend to hear more jokes and rants directed at men as a whole from women who claim not to be feminists, possibly because non-feminist women might just be more likely to have husbands who do galling things like, say, expect you to get up and get his beer for him. (Yes, I hear this at work at least.)
It makes me sad that the whole "man-hating" stereotype still has pull after decades of proof that feminism is not about hating men. But then again, if it wasn't a stereotype, I guess I would have my morning guffaw at people who believe things like football and beer jokes are a tool of the man-hating feminists.

On a more serious note, I would like to point out a couple blatantly obvious things before the woman-blaming spiral continues. While there were women involved in the torture, so were men. In fact, more men than women, I do believe. And Lynndie England, the woman in many of the pictures who is being held up as a supposedly typical man-hating feminist is apparently such a man-hater that at the ripe old age of 21 she is pregnant by another, MALE torturer Charles Graner. Is Graner a feminist-cowed male? No, apparently he's just a sadistic fuck. It's not about feminism. Some people are just mean assholes.

Via feministing.


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