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Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Kerry is rich, so don't vote for him. Bush is, uh......

P6 has a post on pathetic attempts by the RNC to instigate some of that "class warfare" they are always whining about, which is suddenly okay if aimed at John Kerry. Inquiring minds want to know--how the hell do the Republicans think they are going to go after Kerry for being wealthy while letting Bush off the hook?
Well, they may not pull it off. But I think they are banking on two major strategies to make Rich Bush somehow different than Rich Kerry. (Of course, in reality the question would not be how much money do they make but how are they going to help your life? But if they played like that, the Republicans would be toast.)
Strategy #1: Kerry is a Liberal Elitist. This will work as long as they can keep convincing people that Bush's illiterate stupidity is a good balance to his wealth. Bush isn't big on reading, he can't pronounce foreign words, he's not bilingual (actually he is, but don't expect that fact to get any play in the mainstream media, much less the right wing media), and he's willing to make insulting comments about the French. Also, he eats BBQ and wear a cowboy hat. Therefore, he is not an Elitist like Kerry who comes off as sharp and educated, even when he's trying to downplay it a little bit.
Basically, they're running Bush on the Popularity Contest, which will work if Americans think like high school students and everyone loves and/or is afraid to openly defy the popular, dumb jock who everyone pretends is a hilarious, cut-up but only because they know that he's a short-tempered bully.
Strategy #2: Sexism. Kerry's wife is richer than he is. Bush got his money from his father. Which means that money is a woman's in one case and a man's in the other. Already the word "gigolo" is being carted out and tossed around in the right wing circles. Expect attacks on Teresa Heinz Kerry to escalate as the election gets closer.
This attack will only work insofar as Americans think there is something wrong with a woman having more money than her husband. Anyway, the Republicans are creatures of habit. Attacking Hillary Clinton for being less than perfectly submissive was an effective strategy for working up a segment of the population into an angry froth, so they'll be interested in using that strategy again. Since Teresa Heinz Kerry fits even less well in the standard issue Ball-Buster stereotype, since she's kind of a goofball, expect them to focus on her money.


Blogger Liz Blondsense said...

I can't believe that women would even fall for that RNC crap. How stupid are Republican women anyway? They are self hating nincompoops. Republican men hate women with money and brains. It's been proven time and time again. Republican men also like stupid men.(ie: George Bush.)

Personally I like a smart strong intelligent person to be president. If he or she is rich, that's good too. Who cares?

who are these RNC dipshits anyway? Where are they from? How much money do they have in the bank?

Nice blog you have here too!


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