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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Just don't tell 'em what it is, they'll never figure it out

That's the working theory in Texas on teenagers and sex. After all, there was no such thing as sex before 1956, when Elvis invented it to piss off parents and good Christians. And now they want to teach it in schools! What next--how to brew beer?

This week, the Texas school board will decide whether or not to wipe sex off the face of the planet completely in the way that the Christian right best knows how--take it out of the school books and voila! It doesn't exist anymore. It worked for evolution, didn't it?

Kudos to those in this debate who work hard on their hopeless causes, both sides. On the side of right, in the sense that they are right that teaching kids how to take care of themselves will help them, we have the pro-education people. They are fighting a losing battle. The Christian right in this state wields far too much power over the school board, and soon we will be teaching our kids out of nothing but Jack Chick tracts. On the other side of right, the right wing nuts that is, they are also fighting a losing battle. People aren't going to stop fucking any time soon. Of course, if the goal of the right is to increase the HIV transmission rate, then they will succeed. Oh yeah, and the rate of STD transmission overall. And the rate of unwanted pregnancy. Which of course means the rate of abortion. Good work, guys!


Blogger La Lubu said...

Forgive my ignorance....but what is a Jack Chick tract?


Blogger Nigel R. said...

Here's a good place to start if you're a Jack Chick newbie" The Birds and the Bees. And don't miss the movies!


Blogger Ron said...

Damm. My GM hasn't asked me to join a cult and he wears leather and has tatoos and everything. WTF? What a poseur.


Blogger Amanda Marcotte said...

You're right--this will always be a losing battle if utility and common sense are argued. I say that our side needs to quit being weak and start arguing values.

Good sex ed in the classrooms is about freedom. You are not free if some choices are hidden from you. These kids need all the facts so they can be free to choose for themselves. It's a false form of Christianity if they are forced into it. It doesn't count unless they choose it for themselves.

Of course, they Christian right knows their agenda is so unappealing that it has to be forced on people, but I see another opportunity to cast shame on them here.



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