Mouse rant blog vent mouse.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

This time I gotta say, I don't think it's sexism

Steve Gilliard links to this article in the New York Observer that's unduly alarming about these new pills that make you have a period only once every 3 months. Steve is funny in his short commentary:

I own a penis. This seems freakish to me, please explain.

But there is something that troubles me lurking in the text of the article.

"They’re very alluring ads," said Barbara Seaman, a veteran women’s-health activist who lives on the Upper West Side—and she didn’t mean that as a compliment. "Quite brilliant—an innocent young woman who has no idea about the dangers. It’s just some sort of crazy male fantasy."

Okay, I know we're supposed to be all singing hosannas to our menstrual cycles and being downright pleased when we ruin our expensive 400 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets when the blood of womanhood visits in the middle of the night, but this is just silly. Getting your period sucks. The only good part about it is that it is a relief from PMS.

Anyway, you don't get your period when you're on the pill. That bit of misinformation is what is fueling most of this hysteria. (See The Well-Timed Period for more information.) You get a fake period to psyche you out so that you don't think that the pill is profoundly changing your body. If anything, the fake period that's built into the pill is a sexist invention, designed to soothe the hysterical female mind that can't understand such complex things as "No ovulation, no menstruation."

Even more troubling in the lurking notion that going through our periods is just one more weird obligation that women have for no other reason than it's selfish to avoid it. On the theory, I suppose, that unpleasant things are just naturally good for you.

Jodi Young, 40, a comedian living in the East Village, said that she found the whole thing "horrifying."

"If you’re too busy to deal with your period once a month, or it’s that much of an inconvenience, then how far would you go not to be inconvenienced?" she said. "Why not just a full hysterectomy so you don’t have to deal with it at all!"

Damn, let's go back to menstrual huts, why don't we? I mean, if we are obliged to bow down to every biological function as long as it reassures us of our femininity, why even use birth control? It's not natural not to ovulate, and no one has a problem with that. Being constantly pregnant would definitely keep one in touch with her feminine side, but we balk at that. Granted, a period is a small thing and a pregnancy a big thing, but the principle is the same.

I am in a foul mood regarding the natural/unnatural dichotomy where everyone pretends that natural is always superior to unnatural, especially in cases like this where we are happy to go with the unnatural as long as it puts on a good show of seeming natural. I mean, I've fallen into that trap, because it's emotionally appealing. But let's face it. It's stupid.

Anyway, the enviromentalist case will have to fall for minimizing periods. If half the women in America limited or stopped having periods altogether, think of how many less pads and tampons would go into landfills every year! Not to say the trees saved from reducing the amount of toilet paper used to wrap them up before throwing them out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm on the three month pill and it is awesome. It's so much less hassle. 4 periods a year? Definitely a good thing. I could deal with no periods until I'm actually ready to have kids, which is the whole point of ovulating in the first place. I'm not there yet - why should I have to deal with a bloody mess every month to remind me of the fact that I do not want children yet? I suppose living an active lifestyle, flying aerobatics, biking to work, are all unfeminine things, so the fact that a period gets in the way of all of those things just means that, like my grandmother used to say, I really need to learn to be more of a girl and less of a tomboy.


Not anonymous, just not into a blogger account -


Blogger Andygrrl said...

I don't really have much of an opinion on the 3-month period thing, since I don't need birth control and my periods aren't a big hassle for me. It will be interesting to see what the effects are of suppressing the menstrual cycle. I guess the jury's still out for me.
I wonder, though, if some of the hysteria about it has to do with our gender binary system. After all, a period is one of the ways we define "woman" and "female." It's how we distinguish "girls" from "women". Men don't have periods. If women start not-having periods, are they still women? Is their femininity compromised? All this talk about "natural" and "unnatural" sounds to me like people see this, on some level, as a threat to the gender binary.


Blogger bitchphd said...

Plus a couple other things: having periods "built in" to the pill cycle is partly a sop to the Catholic Church--something to do with marketing pills initially not as "birth control" but to "regularize a woman's cycle."

And, I've read some interesting arguments that actually what's "natural" is *not* to have periods every month for 20, 30 years--since actually we're "naturallly" supposed to be knocked up half that time. So that actually not having periods might actually be beneficial, health-wise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was on the investigational study for the new pill prior to it's approval. I loved it so much I asked my doctor to prescribe it once it was available. Unfortunately, it's not listed on my insurance plan's formulary yet and therefore isn't covered.
That's when my doctor gave me a prescription for another pill with the same composition but the traditional 28-day packaging. She told me to just skip the placebos. Of course, friendly doctors have been doing this for years. They know you don't *need* to have a period every month.
The new pill isn't really new, it's just packaged to reflect the way women and their doctors prefer to use it. Coming out of the contraceptive closet, so to speak.

-angerie (also not a blogger)


Blogger La Lubu said...

I dunno...color me skeptical. I'm not "Big Sister"; if this is for you, go on ahead...but it's not for me. I still consider the pill to be a breast cancer risk, and since my mom had breast cancer that has returned to her bones, I'm not gonna be pushing that particular envelope. And considering the number of times women have been used as guinea pigs for Big Pharma (remember DES?), I just don't have that much faith.

And call me weird, but I like having my period. It gives me one more way to monitor what's going on in the interior of my body. A change in my period, just like a change in my skin or bowel movements, would be cause for concern. If it ain't broke, why 'fix' it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you seen this?

It's about the whole "sop to the Catholic church" thing. Basically, the inventors of the birth control pill were trying to get the Catholic church to see it as an extension of "natural family planning." The Church didn't bite, but the fake periods are still with us.


Blogger Amanda Marcotte said...

La Lubu, I agree that the pill was developed in ethically weird circumstances that demonstrated a willingness to treat women like guinea pigs. But the attitude problems of the doctors who developed doesn't change that the pill seems to be more beneficial than not. For one thing, it reduces the possibility of ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer.

Of course, I'm not on it either, but mostly because I don't have to be. I miss having the ability to control if I had a period or not. Now I feel like a teenager again--who knows when it's gonna come?


Blogger La Lubu said...

yeah, I understand. I don't mean to come off like I'm sitting in a tree somewhere, living off the land. I'm just ultra-suspicious of the pharmaceutical industry and the tendency to medicalize everything...I mean, we even have a pill now to reduce shyness!

I wish there were more birth control options available. I wish there was more recognition that a "one size fits all" form of birth control doesn't cut it...our various medical/family histories, DNA, lifestyle and plans for the future all play a part.

I can understand why some women would want to not have a period. But it still makes me go 'hmmmm', because this sexist society tends to remind us about how unnatural and gross our periods supposedly are. Why are "deodorant" tampons, douches, and "feminine hygiene sprays" marketed to us? Pussies smell, and dicks don't?! I mean, we've always had to modify our bodies and their cycles in order to fit the male norm. There's only now beginning to be a recognition in medicine that there needs to be more female-specific studies, not just for birth control. It's not the period-free pill that is so problematic, but the backdrop against which it occurs.


Blogger annejumps said...

I'd be all over the "fewer periods" pill, but I enjoy the reassurance of non-pregnancy that a monthly period -- even a fake one -- provides.

P.S. Ema sent me a free promo copy of her book a month or so ago :)


Blogger La Lubu said...

Lawrence, can you cite some studies? Because from what I've seen, women who've had several children in their life don't seem to have any lower risk of breast cancer than those who've had one or two. I have read somewhere of a study that showed breast cancer as a rarity amongst women who had a child in their teenage years, regardless of whether they continued to have children or not, but I can't remember where I read it. Frankly, I'm leaning toward environmental changes (hormones in the food supply, pollution) as the likely culprit for an increase in breast (and other forms) of cancer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come to think of it, chairs aren't that natural either...

- kim


Blogger delagar said...

Have you read Connie Willis' "Even The Queen"?

It's about a future world in which science has finally done away with women's menstrual cycles. Only there's a back-to-nature movement, among the earthy-crunchy sort: some of those women are having their periods restored to them. The narrator has a daughter who wants to have hers restored.

Until she finds out there is actual (ick) bleeding involved.

"Mom! Why didn't you tell me!"

It's very funny, but also an interesting commentary on differing attitudes toward this, ah, touchy subject.



Blogger La Lubu said...

Haven't read the book, but the way you portray it here sounds kinda like the same ol', same ol' parameters: it's either "whee! let's jump on a rocket ship and head straight for the future!" or "ugh! let's go back to the caves quick, before humanity goes to hell in a handbasket." I have strong reservations about the level and number of medical interventions for women, for what are (for most women) non-medical concerns. I have a healthy level of skepticism because there doesn't seem to be a corresponding push toward medicalizing maleness. This hardly makes me an "earthy-crunchy" type, you know? Isn't there room to question these practices, without advocating a return to menstrual huts or worshiping menstruation?

I'm thinking of it this way...for every woman who sees this as a great way to get rid of her painful and/or bleeding-like-a-stuck-hog period, there will be several others who don't have any medical problems with their period. but are going to buy into the advertising anyway. Why should this be a problem? After all, my body, my choice, right?

Because these choices aren't being made in a vacuum. We have a backdrop of sexism that permeates practically every decision we make about our bodies and our health, consciously or unconsciously. We're still told our periods are "gross". Why? Because female genitalia is considered "gross" in this society. I can't help but think that not having a period is just going to play into the pre-existing condition of so many women not knowing a whole helluva lot about their reproductive system...including not knowing how to have an orgasm. Come to think of it (uhh...sorry!) there's the new testosterone patch for women to increase our sex drive and level of "satisfying sex". Now, how this patch improves the sexual technique of our partners isn't quite clear to me...

What should the proper feminist response be? Let's keep the dialogue open, but let's make it complex. These are our decisions, but they involve more than just our bodies. I don't believe there's a big conspiracy against women involved here, but I think if we don't ask questions and provide analysis, no one will. It'll just be another part of the mercantile society....another form of consumerism. The consequences (whether to our bodies or to the societal backdrop of pressures on female bodies at large) aren't going to be borne by the institutions that create and market these drugs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a link to Connie Willis' story, _Even The Queen_. Brilliant stuff.

And dear god, the thought of being free of periods . . . please.

-- incandescens


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Professor B said, the pill is designed to trick your body into thinking that it's pregnant, and therefore doesn't need to ovulate. I'd argue that, while the pill is, of course, not natural, our modern lives in which we are pregnant only once or twice, rather than all the time, are just as unnatural! For me, then, the pill is the more convenient "unnatural" option.

About the breast cancer thing - I can't comment on that off the top of my head, but long-term use of the pill certainly helps to protect against other cancers (ovarian and cervical, if I remember right...).

- Helen


Blogger Amanda Marcotte said...

I guess one huge reason I'm super-wary of the "natural" arguments is I hear them as often as not for telling women not to use any kind of contraception--at all. Like I had to endure a whole lecture at college once on "natural family planning", which is just the rhythm method. They denied that they were Catholic propagandists--no, they just wanted women not to medicalize their reproductive functions. Thanks, but no thanks.

I see both sides, but to my mind it's a matter of looking at the facts--is the pill dangerous? Not? What's the evidence?

One thing is certain--this pill is not more dangerous than the other pills. That's because it's the same damn pill.


Blogger La Lubu said...

Whether the pill is dangerous or not depends on who you are, just like any other medication. Penicillin is a lifesaving drug for most; it would kill me. There are variables involved, and I don't see a lot of examination given to the variables...just a push for medication. A "oh, we'll learn more as we go along, damn the torpedoes" type of attitude. Sure don't see this type of attitude taken with the male reproductive system, do we? And again, I don't think that's the function of a conspiracy, I think it's a function of the market....pharmaceutical companies know that we want birth control, and with socioeconomic forces that preexist, we are willing to take risks to our bodies for it. There's no market incentive to take a deeper look at hormonal forms of birth control, and perhaps make them safer, or to develop other alternative forms of safe, reversible birth control. Look, I'm glad some women find the pill safe and effective. But I am not one of them, and I'm not a rarity. I have alternatives to penicillin. I don't have many options for birth control, and those that I have, are less effective (unlike my penicillin alternatives).

In speaking with friends of mine who are or have been on the pill, it seems that they've tried different formulations to find the one that is effective and minimizes side-effects...some of which are annoying, and some of which have been debilitating. It varies. And there doesn't seem to be any consensus knowledge on who should be taking what's like a "wait and see" process, like antidepressants. You'd think that after all this time of women taking the pill, there'd be some kind of recognition of who should get what, instead of "well, take this one, but if you gain a lot of weight, or get depressed, or whatever, we'll switch you to this one, or this one".

In short, I'm tired of there being this idea, "well, you've got the Pill, you've got sterilization, what the hell more do you want?!" Not saying that anyone commenting here has that attitude, but it's out there.


Blogger ema said...

Period and breast cancer risk: An increased number of monthly cycles--giving birth for the first time after 30 yo, having your first period at a very young age, begining menopause later in life--increases your risk of developing breast cancer. Why? It is believed (not established) that an increased number of menstrual cycles increases the breast cells' exposure to the estrogen (E) made by the body. Because E accelerates breast cell activity, there is a greater risk of random genetic errors that can lead to cancer.

The Pill and breast cancer risk: In 1996 the Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer analyzed data from 90% of all the studies about breast ca and Pill use worldwide. Findings: there was a slightly increased relative risk of breast ca *diagnosis* in current Pill users vs. never-users, but the increase absolute risk due to Pill use is extremely small. For example, over 1 year, among 10,000 women aged 25-29 who use the Pill, the # of breast ca diagnoses would increase from 3.5 to 4.3.

In 2002 a large (involved over 9000 women) US population-based, case-controlled study (the Women's Contraceptive and Reproductive Experience) found that for women aged 35 to 64 who use the Pill (both current and former users), there is no increased risk of breast ca, even for Pill useres with a family hx of breast ca.

For hereditary breast ca and Pill use: In 1997 a very samll genetic study (14 women), suggested that, for women with BRCA-1/2 gene mutations, Pill use might increase the risk of breast ca. And a small historical study in 2000 found that the old Pill brands (with a high E dose) tripled the risk of breast ca in women who had close relatives who had had the disease. However, the lower E brands marketed after 1975 pose no excess risk.

Bottom line: using the Pill has little or no effect ona woman's overall risk of breast ca.

The progestin-only shot (Depo-Provera), doesn't increase the risk of breast ca, and no relationship has been reported between implants (Implanon) and breast ca. The risk of the E/progestin shot (Lunelle), and that of the skin patch and vaginal ring aren't established yet (methods too new).

[for a list of ref., on the book's Amazon page, use the search feature and go to page 95...sorry, I don't have time to list them now]


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