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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Philosophy and feminism

You know you've hit a nerve as a feminist when someone accuses you of being a Marxist. For the record, I have read Marx, defended him against a hostile audience and mostly think he's pie in the sky with his thinking. If you must label my brand of feminism in philosophical terms, I would probably be an existentialist. Though my brand of feminism is a hodge-podge, there is no doubt that the primary text that has influenced my way of thinking has been The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir.

People who fling "Marxist" like an insult are unlikely to be into fine distinctions, but in the interest of accuracy, I shall confront this accusation. I feel ugly even labeling it as an accusation. When I was younger, I had the pleasure of having dinner with one of the most famous feminist Marxists you'll ever meet, and we had a good time talking about Jane Austen. Living in a capitalist society, it's really dumb not to deal with economic feminist theories; when everything in our lives is determined by economics, then you must deal with them.

Regular readers of this blog know that I am relatively free of an economic feminist understanding. If this disappoints anyone, please be glad that you don't have to tolerate my really hypocritical and slipshod understanding of economics. I drive a fuel-efficient car and otherwise try to make socially responsible spending choices, but I am also a hopeless materialistic who is downright sexually excited by a new pair of sexy shoes, and as such, I am hopeless.

But de Beauvoir's book was like a lightening bolt in my young life when I read it nearly a decade ago. I want everyone to read it, but when I recommended it to a friend many years ago who was suffering at the hands of a well-meaning but hopelessly sexist boyfriend and my then-boyfriend suggested that it's a bit hard to read, well, I've learned that not everyone is up for sucking down books on existential philosophy as readily as I am. But I still think everyone should read it. It's the primary view I use to look at the world.

The premise is laughably simple; de Beauvoir's point was simply a melding of existential philosophy and a realistic view of the world. The existentialist view is that we are a bunch of animals mucking around and the only hope for humanity is focus on that which elevates us--art, music, whatever. I agree with this whole-heartedly. I don't believe in any sort of god and subsequently I think people are making it up as we go along. There is no absolute standard, so why not squeeze meaning out of what we can? I know that I'm making shallow what Sartre and the rest meant of it, but that's how I take it, and it gives me great comfort.

de Beauvoir took it one step forward, and her point is really easy to grasp, if time-consuming to prove. The one hope of men is to transcend is through art/work, whatever, then women are screwed. Women are screwed because our social roles as sex objects/helpmates means that we are unable to reach for what is offered to men, which is the chance to transcend our hopeless humanity by making art or beauty. Brainless helpmates/objects don't make shit.

She makes her case very beautifully, by bringing up examples that still hold true today, which often involve how women live through their own beauty by hoping men appreciate what is already there rather than taking ownership over it. Existentialist theory really meshes well--if transcending is the key to life, what for women whose existence as women prevents this?

Simone de Beauvoir also introduced the concept of the "Other", which has been stolen and attributed to men, of course. (This past month my boyfriend and I had dinner at a friend's house with his parents. Our friends told the hilarious story of how another non-present friend got an unfortunate but funny nickname. The credit for the nickname was given to my boyfriend. I pointed out that it was in fact it was I who had given the nickname. While my boyfriend concurred, the general audience acted like I was a spoilsport. My near mother-in-law leaned over and said, "The struggle continues.") The idea is that people have a standard of "normal" and everything else becomes "Other". It's one of the most useful ideas in modern life. It does a world to explain how not only systematic oppression works, but how different oppressions are related--how homophobia, sexism, and racism are interrelated. de Beauvoir's work is the underpinnings of the modern leftist/identity movement--she is the person who first articulated how standards/norms are created and why they must be resisted.

And she is victim of the very sexism she singled out. Historically, she is the lover of Sartre. I've read both and found Sartre's insights interesting, but de Beauvoir's profound. Everyone should read her book. Her inclusive view of existentialism is by far the best argument for that philosophy. Only she spends time acknowledging that the insights of existentialism are pointless exercises without a social push towards equality. Sure, others suggest it, but only she makes it real.

There's a story in The Second Sex that brings the very earthy reality of philosophy home in a way that Sartre never did for me. A French brothel is busted and all the whores brought before the law. Two young women, like 12 or 13 plead that they will turn in their johns if only they are shown mercy. The judge chastises them for daring drag the names of "good" men through the mud. Men's entitlement and women's subjugation outlined in a sorry story of how even children are not exempt from these ways of thinking. de Beauvoir's point, one we should all remember, is that the social structures against women's individuality are so strong that even our sense of common decency, the very belief that children should not be molested, is worth sacrificing for male dominance.

I don't mean to bore everyone to death, but my sense of feminism is very rooted in this philosophical history. While I am sympathetic to feminisms of the plurality, I am much better at understanding feminism of individualism. That's also why I lose my temper quickly on men so daft as to suggest that individuality should trump social factors--if the marvelous Simone de Beauvoir, an icon of brillant womanhood that everyone steals from and no one give credit to, cannot truimph without argument, what chance do the rest of us have?

I'm not a Marxist. For fuck's sake, if you're gonna crack on my ass, at least know what you're talking about. And if you don't know what Marxism or existentialism is, at least learn before you shoot your brainless mouth off. Knowing a big word ain't understanding it.


Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for posting this. I'm ashamed to say I've only read excerpts from the second sex. It's been on my list for years. I think I'll be moving it to the top now.


Blogger FoolishOwl said...


"I'm glad, Foolish Owl, I ought not to have implied that all Marxists were dismisive of feminism."
Posted by: Hugo Schwyzer | January 25, 2005 06:38 PM
Some more thoughts on the radio show -- UPDATEDI'm FoolishOwl, by the way.

It does bother me when rightwingers lump everyone on the left together as marxists, but it's a tricky position to argue. "How dare you call them marxists! Which is a fine thing to be, by the way."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Blogger Andygrrl said...

Woohoo! ::whistles, claps, cheers:: pardon the irony, but AMEN! I wish de Beauvoir was read in all philosophy courses, not just Women's Studies. I've only read excerpts from The Second Sex, but I understand that there's never been a decent, *unabridged* English translation. Looks like I'm going to have to bone up on my French grammar.

Personally, my favorite response to "You're a Marxist-pinko-commie-bleeding-heart-liberal-hippie-feminist-freak!" (pick your label) is "You say that like it's a bad thing!"


Blogger FoolishOwl said...

Speaking for myself, I'm NOT a liberal, I'm a socialist. There is an important difference, and a great deal of the time in doing political work, I'm arguing against liberals and anarchists and so on.

I read The Second Sex years ago, when I was in college -- not because it was an assigned text in any of my classes, but because I saw it on a friend's bookshelf. As I recall, I thought parts of it were brilliant, parts were... odd. My memory's a bit fuzzy though.

There was a chapter on virginity and its end, which was interesting for a number of reasons, especially because I've never read any other real discussion of it. I'd noticed, about the time that I'd read The Second Sex, that after reading all sorts of sex manuals and the like from all sorts of point of view that none of them more than mentioned virginity, for instance, but all my female friends would tell me horror stories about how miserable the experience had been.

There was a good bit about clothing and fashion, that made an interesting point that deliberately avoiding fashion and dressing eccentricly was just as much a decision about appearance as any other, so the problem couldn't be escaped that way.

I was very puzzled by one chapter that seemed to basically complain about middle-aged women who become involved in social groups around various causes. Beauvoir described them with utter contempt, which I found very peculiar.


Blogger FoolishOwl said...

Oh, forgot to mention. There was one bit where Beauvoir contrasted American women's experiences with virginity to French women's. She'd said that in France, a woman's first sexual experience was usually with a person significantly older, but in America, it was usually with someone about the same age and experience, which she thought made for greater equality between men and women.


Blogger Amanda Marcotte said...

The thing I remember most vividly in her discussion of virginity was her complaint that so many women were never told what sex *is*, thereby all but ensuring that they would be raped on their wedding night. Reminded me of "Coal Miner's Daughter", a living testament that things weren't as great in America and de Beauvoir thought they were.


Blogger FoolishOwl said...

S'okay, Hugo. Given the grotesque perversions of marxism in circulation, I can't blame people for being suspicious of references to it. And I'm sure most politically minded people, who are entirely sincere when they say, "I agree with creed X on A, B, and C, but I disagree about D," are occasionally going to say, "Feh, stupid X."

Anyway, I think the left is weakened in general, in no small part by having been distanced from the ideas of class struggle and organization on the basis of class struggle. And I hope to encourage people who find they keep having to disclaim that they aren't marxists, to take another look at marxism, because it's entirely likely that they've not encountered the real thing, only strawmen and loopy sectarians and the nightmarish distortions of Stalinism.

There was a line in a play by Howard Zinn, "Marx in Soho," where Marx asks why it's necessary to declare him dead, over and over again. Perhaps because there really is an important truth to be found there?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wow, what a great post. I just discovered your blog last week and have really been enjoying it. Your explanation of de The Second Sex goes a long way towards explaining why I find myself on the same page with you on so many issues.

Non-feminists like James Dobson or people overly influenced by evolutionary psychology will claim that women are "naturally" more nurturing/less aggressive/less inclined to take risks/not at good at math, blah, blah, blah. To my why of thinking, what is "natural" is not necessarily relevant because the great thing about being human is to transcend biology. So, even if you could convince me that as a woman I am more "naturally" suited for nurturing children than I am for practicing law (or pursuing a math degree at Harvard), that would have no bearing on my life choices. I only have one life to live and I am damn well not going to let it be limited by supposed inherent limitations based on my biology.

It is amazing to me how human beings constantly transcend the limitations of nature, yet often seem to have a blind spot when it comes to a woman transcending the dictates of breeding/child care. We may be carnivores naturally but people like Hugo Schwyzer can choose to become vegans instead. We may not have wings, but we have invented airplanes so we can fly. But when women want to control and transcend their biology through contraception, creative child care solutions, etc., suddently it's a problem for many people.

End of rant, and thanks for the opportunity to opine!


Blogger Earnest said...

Brian, have you seen the documentary, "Arguing the World?" There's a really interesting part in this documentary on the New York Intellectuals about the socialist response to the triumph of Communism in Russia and the Communist influence on liberals through the Popular Front. That section of the documentary just really clarifies the distance between "liberals," democratic socialists, and communists.


Blogger FoolishOwl said...

Earnest, I haven't seen that. The distinctions are familiar ones, however. There's a really good pamphlet on the subject, written by Hal Draper, The Two Souls of Socialism. Draper was a marxist who was active in the US in the 60s -- he was a librarian at UC Berkeley during the Free Speech Movement. This is one of many reasons why I like librarians.

In case you're interested where I'm coming from (and can bear with the blatant name dropping), I've been a member of the International Socialist Organization since 1996.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the accusation "Marxist" has a much simpler explanation: anyone who dares to suggest that any value (gender equality, national identity, ecosystem survival) might supercede the urges of capital is marked down as one more "Marxist".

Thus environmentalists are called "watermelons": green on the outside, red on the inside.

One step further is the accusation that you aren't *really* concerned about sexism or whatever, you're just using that as an excuse for introducing limits on the free market as part of your scheme to regulate us all into the gulag.

I've heard people make that argument against everything, even protection of Native American gravesites from pothunters.


Blogger The DP said...

I don't mind being called a marxist feminist (I'm actually kinda proud of the fact that I got called one by the professor in the middle of class in three different classes in college) when i think that it's just an attempt to pigeonhole me becaue people can't figure me out, so they call me a marxist to make it easier on their brains.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being called a marxist is not an insult. It only means you have an idealistic veiw of equality in an idealistic self sufficient society. There's nothing wrong with that. Feminism however... I only want feminism to go so far. I don't believe in absolute equality because face it - we are not equal to men. I don't want some crazy feminist movement to ruin the excellent life and opportunites I have by making us equal and having us shove off to war in a drafting episode. I like the opportunities now, and I ask for nothing more.


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