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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

College conservatives are a thing of joy and beauty

It must be a good gig, being a young Republican on a college campus. Not only are you not required to think too hard for yourself, you get to feel put upon by anyone who dares intrude on your right to brainlessly regurgitate the cliches and prejudices that pass for "reason" amongst conservatives these days. When I saw that The Daily Texan would be running stories on events for Coming Out Week, I couldn't wait for the tedious, cliched letters to start pouring in, asking to be mocked. College conservatives never fail me. (Last letter, by the way.)

Let me begin by saying it is unfortunate that people would be violent or abusive to somebody because of their sexual preference. Furthermore, it needs to be acknowledged that this does indeed happen, and again, there is no excuse for it.

It's traditional to start your apology for homophobia by suggesting that there is no connection between homophobic rhetoric and gay-bashing. Remember kids, it's okay to hate people as long as you have some class about it. Beating people up is messy and unfortunate--not only is heaping shame and legal penalties on them classier, it's more effective.

For a community that does not want to be "labeled" or "stigmatized," however, it seems like the homosexual movement goes out of the way to make sure that happens.

Labeling something is the same as stigmatizing it, apparently. That's why we are working to rid the world of nouns.

By drawing constant attention to their sexual preference, these GLBT groups are by default defining themselves as homosexuals first and everything else second.

For someone who loathes the labels, he sure is familiar with the lingo. Whenever I hear straight people whine that they don't hate gays they just think that your sexual preference should be private, I'm the first to agree. If you feel sexual preference is a private matter not to be spoken about, I expect that you will agree with me that Hooters, cheerleaders, bridal magazines, wedding rings and having children are gross, in-your-face displays of heterosexuality that should be banned.

Whether or not people think it is wrong to be homosexual, I would be willing to bet that most people do not have to be reminded that gay people are part of the UT community, or the US population at large. Even if we were to forget, The Texan editors are sure to publish an op-ed about "the gay vote" written by someone who is not even a student at UT.

Don't anyone tell him that gays already have the right to vote.

I respect people based on many different metrics

Probably a typo, but I thought I would link to the definiton anyway in case I'm missing something here.

and sexual preference is not one of them, nor should it be. Once again, the left is focusing on something arbitrary like sexual preference, much like its constant fixation with skin color.

What will the left think of next? You would think that people were discriminated against because of their skin color or sexual preference or something. Silly liberals! What's that, you say? Something about his first paragraph....ah yes.

Let me begin by saying it is unfortunate that people would be violent or abusive to somebody because of their sexual preference. Furthermore, it needs to be acknowledged that this does indeed happen, and again, there is no excuse for it.

Well, just because we acknowledge that gay-bashing is a problem doesn't mean that liberals didn't just make it up to bug us.

All of this is a misguided attempt to find some utopian "diversity." A university (and its newspaper) should focus on a diversity of ideas and an informed intellectual discourse, not how many people happen to like to have sex with other people of the same gender.

You see, having people from many different backgrounds can only hurt the diversity of ideas. No one has ever learned anything by being exposed to new people and new ideas, and where would you get the idea that they would?

Kidding. I think being exposed to different people is a good thing--if I wasn't exposed to this young man, I would have never had the opportunity to consider if people have "metrics", or if sexual preference is a "merit", depending on if that was a typo. Either way, I'm richer for it.


Blogger Unknown said...

"If you feel sexual preference is a private matter not to be spoken about, I expect that you will agree with me that Hooters, cheerleaders, bridal magazines, wedding rings and having children are gross, in-your-face displays of heterosexuality that should be banned."

I definately agree with that!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The intended connotation of "metrics" seemed pretty clear to me - the author in this instance wished to say that he or she evaluated people by means of many different indices of worth. Though not named, these could include integrity, intelligence, honesty, etc. It seems to me this person suggests that "gayness" or lack thereof is not one of these particular indices, or metrics, by which he or she subjectively evaluates a human being's worth. But choosing to interpret "metrics" this way would seem to deprive you and your blog of yet another opportunity for a hysterical (and in this case I mean that in the full-on etymologically sexist sense of the word) rant.

Gays as a political bloc have an agenda - and one I agree with. Among other things: the right to have a court-recognized union, the dismissal of legacy laws that define homosexual relationships as crimes against nature, the passage of legislation aimed at delivering stiffer sentences to people who commit crimes against gays, if such crimes can be shown to have been motivated solely by the sexual orientation of the victim.

Save for this political agenda, however, there IS no unifying characteristic among homosexuals, American or otherwise. It is like trying to argue that brunettes in our culture share a unique experience. (True, perhaps, but in ways that are little worth investigation.) If, as research suggests, homosexuality is based largely in biology (though moderately influenced by environment) and nearly uniformly distributed across cultures, homosexuals as a class share no traits in common save, well, their homosexuality. You make implicit reference to a common homosexual culture by contrasting it with a heterosexual culture which comprises such ephemera as Hooter's, cheerleaders, and bridal magazines - some artifacts of Western industrial culture, but surely not cultural artifacts extant in all heterosexual cultures. And I would argue not ones of primary import in ours. Your ardent defense of homosexuals as a class is as much a part of the problem as the letter on which you provide comment. The difference between you and I would be that you view homosexuals as, in essence, a departure from SOMETHING. I choose to view each individual as I view everyone else - as a person. I like some folks who happen to be gay, and I despise some folks who happen to be gay. I think about gays as a class for political purposes, in that gays tend to vote in identifiable blocs. I don't think about gays as a class when it comes to the issue of choice of sexual partner. And there is no such thing as a shared gay culture. Those who purport to speak for it speak only for themselves. And ultimately, I believe this is the position the letter writer was trying to articulate, as well, if perhaps ineffectively.

A person who self-identifies as gay, and who draws a line in the sand, saying, metaphorically, that this - their choice of sexual partner - is going to influence even those spheres of his or her life where sexual orientation is a nonissue (e.g.the university - I see but little role for discussions of personal sexual proclivity in classes in engineering, physics, biology, get the point) has made a statement that in fairness should be allowed to be commented on by the community at large. If I showed up at class (not a student, but let's imagine for a moment) tomorrow and loudly declaimed that I fucked dead babies in my spare time, I would have a difficult time defending the position that what I did with my body was my own business. You would argue that homosexuality is not the same thing. But that, of course, is a matter of personal opinion. Perhaps I come from a culture where fucking dead babies is an acceptable practice. Or perhaps I don't need your moral vindication of my position, anyway. Point is, I don't think that the administration of my university should then institute diversity training to celebrate my unique perspective as a baby fucker when others find it repugnant and it has NOTHING to do with the ostensible purpose of our community - to investigate our unique fields of knowledge. Homosexuality IS a pathology, albeit a harmless one. Celebrating it is like celebrating blindness or Down Syndrome, or perhaps more accurately, one of the various trisomies. Obviously, our species would not exist if homosexuality were the norm.

You would argue that we should all be aware of discrimination against homosexuals, and, as you did in your rant, compare homosexuality to ethnicity. The two are different, however. There are discrete cultural markers associated with being an African-American or a Hispanic, for example. There is an overt phenotypical difference between people of color and the majority population. To discriminate against persons on the basis of their accent, skin color or less tangible cultural traits is wrong - these are things that cannot be hidden, and which either cannot be made different or can be changed only with great difficulty. But no one needs to advertise sexual preference, and there is no innate difference in appearance or manner of speech or ANYTHING between homosexuals and heterosexuals. To of one's own volition make a distinction is to invite comment and criticism. And I don't believe it is the responsibility of a public institution to then gloss this over and officially advocate on behalf of homosexuals. I, too, share the sentiment that anti-gay rhetoric is the sign of a bigot. But what's a "bigot" really, if not simply someone who doesn't share my opinion. And I certainly wouldn't want the University of Texas to endorse my subjective opinion. It is the choice of a person to "out" him or herself. Likewise, it is the personal right of others to comment on it. And it is the right of the larger community of the University of Texas student body, conservative and otherwise, to be pissed off about having money, media coverage and effort go into a celebration of something which is antithetical to their values.


Blogger Amanda Marcotte said...

He used "metric" or likely "merit" to mean "trait". That he grabbed for a word and missed it is funny. Period. Bigots who misuse big words are funny because they are trying to defend against the criticism that they are stupid and ignorant, but they don't seem to realize that reading the dictionary doesn't guard you against being ignorant. And even though explaining jokes makes them less funny, in this instance it's still funny because it's still a really dumb thing to do.

I hope you realize that equating gays, whose attraction to the same sex is not different in character than straights attraction to the opposite sex, with people who have perverse and most likely fictional mental issues is such a weak metaphor that it destroys your pathetic attempts at an argument. Who are you to call a sexual orientation a "pathology"? I think that many straight people in our society have pathological sexual desires, not the least of which being that which drives women to fill their breasts with huge bags of saline to appeal to men who are not attracted so much to human women as the idea of women. But hey, what do I know?

And seriously, do you think I'm stupid? I know that all gay people aren't exactly alike (though your characterization of their sexual preferences and relationships as "pathology" implies that you think they do). News flash: Not all women, racial minorities, whatever oppressed group is monolithic either. But all women have something in common with each other--they are women and devalued for it. All black people have something in common--they are discriminated against for their skin color. Gays and lesbians aren't the ones who single themselves out for gay-bashing or discrimination--straight people who cling to the notion that their sexuality means they are superior and therefore eligible for special benefits like marriage are the ones who created the situation.

Nonetheless, I am continually amazed at the logical contortions people go through to justify their prejudices. Kudos for that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But no one needs to advertise sexual preference, and there is no innate difference in appearance or manner of speech or ANYTHING between homosexuals and heterosexuals." This seems to confirm that you missed the point of the " rings and having children" line. (Children, "ephemera"?) Heterosexuals advertise their sexual preference all the time, to the point where more-than-Kinsey-3 people can't always hide their preference without actively lying. How many conversations could they walk out of without people twigging? And at what point does silence count as deception?

Some of what you wrote seems like good general-semantics, but then you say homosexuality "IS" a pathology. (Just Kinsey-6 homosexuality?) No doubt some scientists (who follow good scientific method some of the time) make this designation. Does it make sense to do so? Which of the following seems more likely to happen: a worldwide majority of Kinsey-6 homosexuals, or the development of cheap and common technology to separate reproduction from sex and vice versa? It seems technically accurate to say that "our species would not exist if homosexuality were the norm," (if by "were" you mean "had been") but why in the name of the One True Definition would you define sickness in this way?


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