Illustrating the same sex marriage debate
Hilarious! Ampersand draws it out for you how those opposed to same-sex marriage really are thinking only of children.
Mouse rant blog vent mouse.
Hilarious! Ampersand draws it out for you how those opposed to same-sex marriage really are thinking only of children.
Baseball fans are less than flattered by having Dick "Fuck" Cheney use the the Yankees vs. Red Sox as a photo op.
Right Hook at Salon quotes a great on-air flip-out over Fahrenheit 9/11 from Hugh Hewitt on Fox News:
Why compare Democrats to Nazis? A lot of people have been discussing this question, because no matter what the mealy-mouthed BushCo dodge is, the fact of the matter is that they made a commercial that is a series of images of Democrats raising their voices intercut with images of one of Hitler's barking speeches. I mean, on the surface it seems obvious--it's a standard Rovian tactic to go after the lowest common denominator. (Remember how McCain's family was used to whip up racism in South Carolina?) But, as a lot of people have pointed out, this has a really good chance of coming back on the Republicans, as people will be seeing this specifically as Bush crossing the line.
It's fairly well-known that Texas has a huge influence on what information gets put into public school textbooks that are made for the entire country, and that religious wingnuts have a huge influence on Texas public schoolbooks. And while Texas is no fan of giving kids useful information on how to use contraception and STD protection, the new health textbooks submitted by Holt, Rinehart and Winston and Glencoe/McGraw-Hill are so ridiculous in their "cold showers prevent AIDS" misinformation that it even surprises me that they were found to meet curriculum standards.
A post on the feasibility of taming feral cats at Cat Out Loud. I found this interesting, because my female cat was feral once and was about a year old when she was picked up by the feral cat program and fixed. During her recovery period, the woman she was staying with felt that she was tame enough to be adopted, so she was turned over to the adoption agency. They had already clipped her ear in half, which is how they mark feral cats that have been fixed already.
Trish Wilson has a post about a blogger who was lying about his identity for 3+ years, claiming to be a woman with a rather detailed and upsetting past, but he is in fact a married man of 35. I realize how hurtful it is now to lie to your readers, mislead them about who you are and what your life is like. So, I've decided to come clean about something I've lied about in the past.
David Neiwert articulates why it's so wrong, and yet so revealing, for Nader to be using right wing resources to get himself on the ballot.
Well, it scores political points, so who cares who dies?
I've been so busy with house stuff that I completely missed that yesterday was the 35th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion. Elayne Riggs remembered and cobbled together some really good links. Always fun reading about people fighting back against police oppression. And while there's still people in this country who would like to see the police rounding up gays just for being themselves, I think we can safely say that is far from the majority opinion now.
The number of elective C-sections is supposedly up. There may be something I'm missing here, but I'm skeptical. Why would any woman choose to deliver in a way that's more invasive, more dangerous, leaves scars, is more painful, and is more expensive?
Don't they know their leader, uber-nerd Al Gore, kinda sorta didn't lose the election? Now they're picking on the poor ol' Shrub for not knowing exactly how some stupid phrase really goes. I mean, c'mon, it's not like it's commonly used. The most famous example of the phrase is buried in some stupid speech that only nerds who stayed after school doing extra credit for the super special A++ grade would know.
The Smoking Gun, probably succumbing to the weird urge to attack liberals unfairly to seem "fair and balanced" has gone after what they perceive to be lying by Michael Moore on his voter registration and party affiliation. August Pollak has a good refutation.
Canadians have taken to eaten their ballots to protest sucky candidates. This is not recommended for the upcoming 2004 American election, as any digested ballots the Freepers can pull out of toilets will be counted as Bush votes, for intuitive reasons.
Anna Quindlen writes on the women's vote and the effect of good girl stereotyping. She makes a good point, that the relationship between women and the Democratic party has drifted into habit and therefore is threatening to fall apart. Women don't get fired up about political issues that are important. Women don't vote as much as they should. But the Democrats need to quit expecting the women's vote out of gratitude and start working hard for it.
Sex workers are gearing up for Republican convention-driven business. Blondesense has a great idea, to make a documentary following the prostitutes who will be servicing the members of the party of godliness, virtue, morality, blah blah. The only problem is that discretion is part of the average sex worker's job, so I doubt you'll get any kind of cooperation on this.
Fahrenheit 9/11, #1 in weekend box office receipts.
Once again, in their desperation to seem not too feminist or sexually unhip, Salon has missed the point entirely. They blindly insist that the only possible reason that people dog-piled Jack Ryan was because we are blushing prudes. Well, I can assure Ms Burana that those of us who think Ryan is an asshole, a twit, and a hypocrite don't think so because we weren't aware of exhibtionism. No, we just believe that if a politician feels that he can use the law, particularly a Constitutional amendment, to discriminate against people because of their sexual behavior, he'd better be prepared to offer up his sex life for careful examination to make sure that it is pure and holy as well. Does Jack Ryan profess a belief that discrimination against people because of their sexual desires is righteous? Let's examine what he says.
Tbogg links to another weak-minded justification of the violence in The Passion.
Okay, if you want my long-winded and boring opinions on Fahrenheit 9/11, read the last post. This is just a quick report on how fun it was to see it at my favorite movie theater, The Alamo Drafthouse. It's run by a couple of true-believing film geeks and it shows. Going there will renew your enthusiasm for movies, that's for sure.
Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled.
In all their glory.
Mary at Pacific Views has a great post on why it's been such a hard long fight for the truth about Iraq to start chipping away at Bush's approval ratings. Basically, the issue is one of cognitive dissonance and the psychological theory of resistance. The more invested in an idea a person is, the more distress they will have at learning that they are wrong, and therefore the more likely they are to reject learning that they are wrong.
I'm lazy and usually I wait for stuff to come out on DVD before I'll watch it. But I'm going to see Fahrenheit 9/11 tonight. In part, because I'm really looking forward to it. But also because the message needs to get through to the blockheads that are doing everything in their power to censor Michael Moore: Censorship is un-American and if you try to censor somebody, you will just garner sympathy for them.
Via Atrios, we learn that Cheney is doomed to hell for telling Pat Lehey to go fuck himself. We at Mousewords agree that the frequent use of curse words is why this country is going to hell. We also agree with our Commander-in-Chief, that it doesn't count if you curse in Spanish, since good Christians don't speak Spanish and don't know what you're saying and therefore don't have the sin of having heard curse words on their soul. They are still trying to wipe the sin of seeing Janet Jackson's nipple off their soul, so it's really unfair to burden them further.
You know, to the pessimism and rage crap Bush is accusing the Democrats of.
If you haven't seen the new low in attack ads, go over to Bush's campaign site and check it out. Since my cat, Max Power, is a Republican*, he received an email from the campaign praising the ad today.
From Pop Matters, Cynthia Fuchs fisks a pathetic attempt to make a controversy out of Madonna. Not that Madonna has shied away from controversy in her past, not at all. But it is extremely silly of the media to cover her latest controversial act in awed and outraged tones, as if they didn't need her to be controversial as much as, if not more than, she needed them. But Madonna is touring again, presumably because she wants to, and her fan base is built up enough that it's likely she doesn't need to shock people to attract more fans. This interview sounds pretty mundane.
The Talent Show has a good post about stem cell research and Ron Reagan Jr.'s opinions on such. Reagan is angry, as he should be, because the anti-abortion crowd is being incredibly hypocritical about this whole thing, because they oppose stem cell research but not in vitro conception. (Hell, fertility drugs have created heroes in the every sperm is sacred crowd--look at that woman who had 7 babies but got a pass because she made a big deal out of refusing selective termination and because she mewled about loving Jesus.) Well, the can't be against fertility treatments, of course, since one of the every sperm is sacred crowd is that all women should love having babies, and lots of 'em.
Okay, I stole the joke from Janeane Garofalo. Anyway, because it was in the comments section at Pandagon, this really great point might get lost our constant blogosphere babble. Topic: Jack Ryan's scandal. Point: This isn't just about snickering at another mean hypocrite caught with his pants around his ankles. This man is a mean bully.
Screw it, I'm looking forward to it. The place to see Fahrenheit 9/11 is hands down, without a doubt, the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin. Beer and pizza with your political documentary! Only $7.75 for a non-matinee show? Can I hear a "Hell yeah"?
A Cleveland, Ohio strip club is registering voters. Hopefully, the next step will be instructing customers of how this administration is threatening their ability to obtain porn and will probably go after strip clubs if they get half a chance.
Anyone who is familiar with the variety of laws and strategies employed to purge the voter rolls of black voters in the South in the Jim Crow days won't be surprised at the ingenuity behind the newest rounds of ways to avoid counting black votes. And anyone who has heard any of the conservatives who have wistfully remarked about how the Republicans would win all the time if you don't count black votes shouldn't be surprised that there are efforts to make that fantasy a reality. Read this story, it should be blared from the front page of every newspaper until some shit gets fixed.
Of course they're doing it for the money. But if BushCo sweeps the schools, diagnosing kids with mental illness that needs to be medicated, there is the pleasant side effect for them of having the power to sedate troublesome people.
The letters to the editor about the two-sides-of-the-coin review that Salon gave Fahrenheit 9/11 are quite interesting. The reason I don't say "balanced" is because they dispensed with the media definition of "balance", which would mean that a liberal meekly says, "Well, I guess it might be censorship to keep the movie from being shown, and it's possible Bush has been less than honest, maybe" and a conservative compares Moore to Goebbels. Nah, they had a liberal who liked it and a liberal who whined that it seemed a little too entertaining. (Sorry, Zacharek, you're usually a good writer, too.) Anyway, the letters are funny. I like the one sop they give to fire-breathing conservatives:
Alas, a Blog posed the question: Do Evangelical Men Beat Their Wives Less? I had some thoughts on this, but refrained from blogging to see what the commentors would say. There were some good questions raised on methods, etc. which are illuminating and you should read it in total. But it seems like a good bet that evangelicals are simply under-reporting domestic violence, not that they have less domestic violence.
A friend of mine lost her boyfriend to a motorcycle accident recently. He was young, probably not even 30 years old. Obviously, they weren't married. However, they had lived together for a long time, and she took care of his finances and all his things were at their shared apartment.
Norbizness has a great takedown of a supposedly "reasoned" argument that gay marriage hurts children. Apparently, it's a paperwork issue:
This rules.
My boyfriend cooked dinner last night, causing me to make jokes about becoming irrelevant. I usually cook dinner, but I had been busting my ass and stressing out all day over house stuff and he took pity on me. I don't mind having to do the lion's share of the mortgage work, since I'm better at it and since he runs the inevitable errands that crop up when fax machines just won't do. But I was glad to be relieved of cooking for one night.
Apparently, those rock and rollers like to do dope. Really, from the picture they have of poor ol' Courtney Love, the article could be a concerned article about why rock and rollers feel this compulsion to get disturbing amounts of plastic surgery. But that will never happen. Our society has its stories in place: drugs are ugly, nasty, evil things, but plastic surgery is something you do for yourself, to enhance your self-esteem.
A federal judge granted the sex discrimination lawsuit against Wal-Mart class action status today. This is just fantastic news; anti-sex discrimination laws have no meaning if there the enforcement mechanisms don't have teeth.