Mouse rant blog vent mouse.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The wage gap and cowboys

For crying out loud! In this country, we have a huge wage gap between men and women, a problem that should have been fixed a long time ago but actually has been getting worse and worse lately. But out of the thousands of counties in the United States, 15 actually have women making more than men on average. Clearly, this encroaching problem of potential balance needs to be addressed immediately, NPR sent some reporters to the where the gap was the widest to see if the men are all eunuchs or something.

Well, the truth actually makes for an interesting story to those of us interested in gender issues. The county where the gap is the widest is King County, Texas, and the reason for the woman over man wage gap is pretty much a fluke, albeit one with an ironic twist. The men there aren't unmanly by any stretch. In the tiny community in King County, most of the men are cowboys. And as someone who grew up in cow country, I can tell you that your average cowboy doesn't make enough to buy a pot to piss in.

Listen to the story--it's a hoot. The reason that the women in this town make more on average than the men has zip to do with feminism or the women's movement or anything like that, well at least the women's movement after women won the right to vote and own property. This wage gap is the result of the poverty wages that your average cowboy makes. These women work, as many women do, because they have to in order for their families to get by, as women of the working class have done throughout this country's history. The wives of cowboys have never been genteel women whose husbands take pride that they don't work. The work that they do has maybe changed some, brings in more income, but the basic fact that they are working has stayed the same.

That's why it's funny to hear the residents they interview hesitate when asked by the reporter if the woman's higher wages strain their marriage. (How come no one worries that marriages are strained by men's higher wages? The real wage gap of men over women is probably one of the major reasons we have a high divorce rate in this country.) The common perception that men are threatened by women who make more money isn't really as big an issue to people who need every penny they can get for the household. Where I grew up, women who took non-ranch jobs to support cowboy husbands were perceived as sacrificing so that their husband could keep the job he knew or loved. That's hardly the feminist clarion call for independence.

I'm not criticizing any of these people in King County, by the way, not the men who take on cowboy jobs or the women who may be making sacrifices in order to help their men keep the jobs they want. Everyone is doing the best they can for each other and for their families, something many of us would do well to emulate. In fact, one could even suggest that strategies for evening out the wage gap for the rest of us might come from their work ethic where usefulness has such a high value and women working is considered a normal part of life.

And I did get irritated at the NPR reporters who came off as condescending. Come on, people! Let's drop the condescension already! It's costing the Democrats elections, for fuck's sake!


Blogger FoolishOwl said...

Is the wage gap between men and women widening again? Is there something on the Internet you can refer me to?

I'd read a few years ago that the wage gap had a trend towards narrowing -- but because men's wages were dropping, while women's were static, which wasn't good news for men or for women.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In listening to the NPR piece, I found it interesting that some cowboys get fringe benefits. Employer provided housing, medical insurance, and an entire cows worth of beef each year! Cowboy socialism?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the stereotypical view of ALL women within the work force Brad. I guess ALL women ARE driven by biological urges and we ALL want to put our uteruses to use.

Yep, there's not one woman among us who does NOT want to have children and are happy to take on long work hours, and then *gasp* expect equal pay, oh but because *some* women choose motherhood the rest of us should expect a lower salary from our male counterparts.

Bullshit Brad.


Blogger Diane said...

Actually, men and women with the same education, skills, and experience do not make the same amount of money. One of the chief reasons given is that women are not always prepared to negotiate a high enough salary. I suspect that is a valid reason.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Or maybe, we should just start requiring basic economics and basic statistics classes for anyone trying to obtain a journalism degree. I'm just saying..."

I think we'd be better off requiring more advanced economics for those who only have basic economics (and who then annoy the rest of us with their limited understanding of wage gap issues). I'm just saying...

--Barbara Preuninger


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps, just perhaps, if we start actually telling women that they should make the same amount of money *for the same work*, they might go into those negotiations with a little more confidence. If they think the actual reality is more like 95-98% rather than 75%, they'll negotiate from a completely different perspective?

This doesn't make any sense. You're making it sound as if people who claim that there *is* no wage gap are the only people who think there *should* be no wage gap — either that or that people who claim there is a wage gap are pushing women to be fatalistic about it.

In other words, this is the old "naming a problem is what causes the problem in the first place" argument. How tedious.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it may be the case that *if* there is a small wage gap, and it *is* attributable to women not negotiating higher salaries (as someone previously had offered as an explanation), that overstating the wage gap to be 20-25% may cause women to not negotiate as aggressively, creating the 2% gap or so that is seen when comparing apples to applesYes, I understand that point. I just disagree. You're making it sound as if people who believe that there is a wage gap are out there telling women that they might as well not negotiate at all because no employer will ever pay them as much as a man would get anyway. That's nonsense.



Blogger Diane said...

The last figures I saw were from 2002, and they showed that female doctors were making, on the average, $35,000 a year less than males with the same education, skills, and experience. Female attorneys were making $19,000 less annually, and female professors were making $13,000 less.

That indeed puts it at around 2%, I think, as Brad said. That is an encouraging figure unless you are one of the women being discriminated against because of your gender. There is no reason, in the 21st Century, for there to be any gap at all.

And of course, there is more to it than numbers. Professional women are still excluded, patronized, insulted, made fun of, and sexually harrassed by some professional men. They are also attacked by some professional men's wives who are threatened by the thought of their husbands' working next to women. Even with the achievement of equal pay, we have a very long way to go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As someone who once said "fuck off prego/child-worshippers", I think you wouldn't mind this.Their sick obsession with occupied uteruses, swollen abdomens, and lactation may disgust me, but I'm not for discriminating against them via their yearly salary


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brad - You're arguing that women and men with the same education, skills, and experience make the same amount, therefore there is no "real" problem. As if somehow, these attributes are distributed by lottery or something and discrimination plays no part whatsoever in the *fostering* of education, skills or experience.
But the truth is that choices and inclinations for women are formed in a discriminating world, and this includes the *working* world as well as the college/home life/peer influence/etc.

In other words, if a boss doesn't see an employee as having potential, he/she will less likely provide training, or let them try out a new role in a company that's a little "above their head", etc. So if bosses generally see women as less capable, then women generally won't *aquire* comparable skills and experience, understand?

And that's setting aside the fact that an employer (even a fair-minded employer) may be concerned about the potential for a woman to quit when she has kid(s) or to take a long maternity leave, thus the hesitancy to provide "opportunities for growth" as described above.

So it doesn't say too much to talk about comparable skills and experience, when it probably takes a pioneering woman to even acheive those skills or experience.

By the way, as a woman working in computer science I have run head-first into plenty of people who assume I am less skilled/capable and cannot seem to change their minds about this (regardless of facts). Luckily, this is not everyone or even most people I encounter (although there's almost always the initial "proving" stage I have to go through). I'd be utterly kidding myself if I thought this phenomenon didn't have an effect on my salary. (i.e. how many interviews must I have gone to where I was either dismissed out of hand or even, because of very subtle perceptions, just narrowly lost to a similarly qualified man?)

Please don't try to tell me this "isn't a problem", or that it would stop being a problem if I took a class in Java or something... :op And definitely don't tell me that "all I need is some basic understanding of Economics" (since I have a degree in Economics...) It's so unbelievably patronizing. (Which is why I patronized you back - tit for tat, you know?)

You seem to be genuinely concerned about the stereotypical "mean boss" who just hates women &/or just blatantly refuses to see them as worthy of equal pay. And when you encounter evidence that this isn't the "real problem", you're ready to call it a day. Well, I'll agree that "lots and lots of mean bosses" isn't the "real problem". The real problem is a *mountain* of subtle factors that are working out to a 25% pay gap between men and women. And those subtle factors all have to do with the (societal) perception of women's worth.


Blogger Barbara Preuninger said...

Note: I was "anonymous" above and I intended to put my name, but forgot.


Here's a major important point that I made in my post, that you seem to have glossed over.

"In other words, if a boss doesn't see an employee as having potential, he/she will less likely provide training, or let them try out a new role in a company that's a little "above their head", etc. So if bosses generally see women as less capable, then women generally won't *aquire* comparable skills and experience, understand?"

(and anecdotally)

"By the way, as a woman working in computer science I have run head-first into plenty of people who assume I am less skilled/capable and cannot seem to change their minds about this (regardless of facts). Luckily, this is not everyone or even most people I encounter (although there's almost always the initial "proving" stage I have to go through). I'd be utterly kidding myself if I thought this phenomenon didn't have an effect on my salary. (i.e. how many interviews must I have gone to where I was either dismissed out of hand or even, because of very subtle perceptions, just narrowly lost to a similarly qualified man?)"

I'm pointing out the notion that regardless of choices I or any individual woman makes, it's quite arguable that workplace discrimination could still effect one's opportunities to gain "experience, skills, etc." Now admitedly, this kind of thing is very hard to prove. It would best be addressed by something like the study where the same resume was rated differently depending on the gender of the name.

Now please address this point.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh? $35,000 wage gap between male and female doctors implies 2% gap? I don't think average doctors make $1.75 million a year.

Let's take a retail outlet.

It has 60 cashiers, 20 assistant managers, 9 managers, and one proprietor.

There are 40 female and 20 male cashiers, four female and 16 male assistant managers, one female and eight male managers, and the proprietor is a man.

All cashiers are paid $15,000 a year, assistant managers are paid $30,000 a year, managers get $75,000 a year, and the proprietor nets $200,000 a year.

As a whole, the 45 women working there get paid $795,000 (40 * 15,000 + 4 * 30,000 + 1 * 75,000)

As a whole, the 45 men working there get paid: $1,580,000 (20 * 15,000 + 16 * 30,000 + 8 * 75,000 + 200,000)

Now, the question is, what would you consider the wage gap to be at this establishment? Do you say that women get paid 49.7% less than men, because the average wage of a woman working there is $17,667 and the average wage of a man working there is $35,111, or do you say that there is no wage gap at all, because for each position, men and women are paid equally?

Both answers are technically correct, because they are really answers to subtly different questions. I think that meaningfully understanding why women are generally poorer than men requires that you look at it the first way, though. All cashiers, male and female, and paid equally, and all managers, male and female, and paid equally, but WHY are the mostly women and the managers mostly men? Did things just fall from the heavens like that?

Julian Elson


Blogger Diane said...

Brad, here is an article I found that breaks it down by weekly salary:


Blogger Barbara Preuninger said...


As far as I know, male nurses on average make more than female nurses and are more quickly promoted. Go figure...

And, based on anecdotal evidence only - there are a select few people I encountered that could/would *never* change their opinion about me, even when my skills clearly blew theirs out of the water. So no, I don't think it's just the interview stage that's a problem. I was supposed to be a "team leader" once of two very obnoxious men who both seemed to relish the idea of themselves coming to the rescue of poor little technically incompetent women. What do you think happened when I told them what to do, regardless of the fact that I clearly knew much more than they did? (In case you're not sure - it was an abysmal failure and they never really did any work - I ended up doing everything.) Let's say this kind of thing happens to a lot of women (not totally implausible). Very likely it will effect women's perceptions of themselves as successful managers, and their tendency to pursue such roles. In my personal situation, I really don't think I *am* interested in being a manager, but I've had to carefully examine my own motivations in a way that a man never would.

I've also encountered a man who simply wouldn't use the code I had written to finish a project. That situation neither affected my perception of myself or my skills (just my perception of him!), but maybe a woman with less confidence in herself would have been affected.

It only takes a few jerks, trust me. On the bright side for me, there were also a few people who did see my potential, even when I didn't. So my story isn't exactly meant to inspire pity for myself (or to show the typical workplace as a hotbed of raging misogyny), rather to illustrate the possibility of a very real disparity of opportunity.

BTW, You say that the women in your department have never experienced any kind of discrimination from anyone at your workplace. But have you ever asked them?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"BTW, You say that the women in your department have never experienced any kind of discrimination from anyone at your workplace. But have you ever asked them?"

Thank you, Barbara. The rest of your arguments haven't been too shabby either, but I really love this one. I'm still not sure whether to laugh or applaud. (Or cry, some days.)



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Anonymous Anonymous said...


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