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Thursday, July 15, 2004

Next on the agenda: should sex ed classes teach about the stork or not?

The Daily Texan has a good article about the debate over the new health textbooks submitted for Texas schools, the ones that don't discuss contraception and actually suggest lots of rest as prevention for STD's. I particularly like this quote from a woman named Alma Allen, who was against the textbooks:

"I want everyone on this board to think about whether you did practice abstinence," Allen said, receiving spontaneous applause from the audience. "That's not what I'm telling my 17-year-old granddaughter or my 16-year-old grandson. I told them to practice abstinence, but I certainly taught them a lot of other things."

Nothing like actually injecting a bit of common sense into a discussion about sex. Proponents of abstinence-only education should be called to task on their opinions and start coughing up real proof that it works, and works like they say it will. But they can't do that, because it doesn't work. It doesn't turn kids into good little virgins who wait until their marriages at age 25 (average age of marriage in America for women) to even consider having sex. What it does do is turn kids into adults who are ignorant about basic information that will keep them healthy.


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