Does this mean Fred Phelps will start making signs that say "God Hates Penguins"?
Well, this is what decadent liberalism was bound to lead to--flightless sodomite waterfowl, breaking every rule in the book.
(Bremen, Germany) Attempts by a Germany zoo to "convert its gay penguins to heterosexuality have failed the zoo's director said Friday.
On Tuesday reported that the Bremerhaven Zoo had imported four female penguins from Sweden which it hoped would split up its three gay penguin couples and turn the birds "straight". (story)
But the six gay penguins were not interested in dallying with the other sex, remaining faithful to their same-sex partners.
"The relationships were apparently too strong," said zoo Director Heike Kueck.
The gay males were separated from their mates and one by one the females were introduced. The males pined for their mates until they were reunited.
They could have asked any straight women who like to go dancing in gay clubs about the likelihood of this plan succeeding before they went and wasted their money like that.
I'll bet penguins were the original rebels, anyway. Twenty bucks says they just swam the Great Flood out rather than make the trek down to the desert in order to board Noah's ship like all the godly animals did.
Via XGW.
Said James Dobson, "I will never wear a tuxedo again!"
All I can think of is the Bloom County sequence of strips involving Oral Bill...
"PENGUIN LUST! Nothing but urges from HELL!"
-- Maggie
Oh, yeah!
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